The facts about hygiene habits make us fall back

These are seemingly harmless habits that make our bodies

These are seemingly harmless habits but cause our bodies to "cry".

Instead of making the human body cleaner, some of the daily hygiene habits produce many types of bacteria potentially at risk. Many recently published studies have surprised the world with its own daily habits.

1. Eat cake in . toilet bowl cleaner than desk

Experts point out that, about 2.5cm 2 of the bathroom floor area contains more than 2 million bacteria, this number is 200 times higher than the surface of the toilet. Professor Charles Gerba of the University of Arizona (USA) introduced the concept of "sanitary surface unit" , which means the surface is standard, clean enough for only about 1,000 bacteria per 2.5cm 2 .

Picture 1 of The facts about hygiene habits make us fall back

In his research, the professor pointed out that, while the seat on the toilet could pass a hygiene test to qualify as a clean surface unit (ie, put the cake on it we can still eat okay) all 20 desks participating in the study are not up to this standard.

That means that if you hold a cake to eat in the toilet, it will be cleaner than eating at a desk.

2. Not everything discharged in the toilet is still there

Almost all toothbrushes are placed in the bathroom, not far from the toilet area. So is this a threat?

A very surprising and interesting experiment was done by two researchers Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage. They put 24 toothbrushes in the bathroom and use only 2 to brush their teeth but they all wash the rest every day.

Picture 2 of The facts about hygiene habits make us fall back

After a month, they take care of these brushes carefully and bring them to the lab for examination. An unexpected result happened, the following microbiologists found tiny points of feces lying in the hairs of the brush. This proves that there is actually a link between the person who exits the toilet and the toothbrush in the bathroom.

According to scientists, the opening design of the toilet has caused human feces to have drifted into non-stationary water to fly into the air and renders many objects in the bathroom, including a toothbrush.

They said that when the toilet is open, the bacteria in the feces are capable of flying into the air, spreading up to 6 feet (about 1.8 m). Of course, the brushes we use every day will be covered with manure if they fit in that area.

3. Washing clothes can remove dirt but "build" E.coli bacteria shelter

American scientists claim that clothes can even become . dirty after being cleaned. The reason is because the washing machine is said to be filled with bacteria, they constantly seek to cling to clothing and then enter the human body.

Picture 3 of The facts about hygiene habits make us fall back

Research by Charles Gerba, a biology professor at the University of Arizona (USA), shows that just washing a pile of underwear in a washing machine can make up to 100 million E.coli bacteria from these underwear be mixed in. domestic.

After this washing water is released, the bacteria remain in the washing machine. This study also showed that up to 0.1 g of bacteria existed only in the groin area of ​​a pair of panties.

Charles Gerba said that, even if the clothes with little stool were washed, E.coli bacteria still stuck on it. And of course, we still wear fecal clothes even though the amount of bacteria on it is not as much as before. And this bacteria is still enough to make us at risk for hepatitis A, intestinal disease, stomach infections .

In fact, detergents and soaps cannot help completely remove dirt and bacteria. To reduce the risk of infection, the study showed that it was necessary to wash clothes at 150 degrees Celsius and then switch to drying mode as quickly as possible because the bacteria multiply very quickly in a humid environment.

Picture 4 of The facts about hygiene habits make us fall back

If washing clothes with cold water, experts recommend that we wash our hands thoroughly, especially after washing baby clothes. In addition, the washing machine also needs to be cleaned with normal bleach when there is no clothing in it. Another way to kill bacteria is by drying clothes in the sunshine by ultraviolet rays that effectively kill bacteria.

Obviously, there are many sanitation issues in the very habit of thinking that it is very clean for humans. However, the above findings will somehow make us "turn up" and change our hygiene habits immediately.

Update 18 December 2018



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