The most bizarre deep sea monsters on Earth

These mysterious sea creatures look like they come out of fictional movies, but they actually live in the deep ocean.

These mysterious sea creatures look like they come out of fictional movies, but they actually live in the deep ocean.

Picture 1 of The most bizarre deep sea monsters on Earth

One of the most bizarre deep sea monsters that humans have never discovered.

Photos of deep sea monsters posted by Russian fisherman Roman Fedortsov on Instagram. Common fishermen caught in the Barents Sea area towards the Arctic Ocean with up to 310,000 followers.

There was a time when Fedortsov dropped nets in the area called 'The Twilight Zone' , which had a depth of 1,000-2,000 meters at the bottom of the sea. It is estimated that only 0.05% of marine organisms living here are discovered by humans. The rest is still a big mystery.

Strange walking fish in the deep sea.

Update 15 December 2018



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