The ocean will be boiling after 300 years

The oceans on Earth will boil water after three centuries. But before long, all species of fish and birds were extinct, seawater turned into

The oceans on Earth will boil water after three centuries. But before long, the species of fish and birds were extinct, the seawater turned into the original "soup" of microorganisms.

>>>Ocean health is severely declining

Rising temperatures are just one of the manifestations of climate change. Negative impacts on the water cycle are becoming more pronounced, leading to consequences such as droughts, floods and irregular rainfall. One of the examples mentioned by researchers is that Typhoon Haiyan landed in the Philippines. Mr. Valery Zyryanov, chairman of the hydrodynamic laboratory of the Institute of Water Problems (Russian Academy of Science and Technology) said:

'Climate warming makes the ocean surface warmer. In tropical regions, this temperature often exceeds the mutation mark of 26.6 0 C. It means that storms will form. The ocean warms up as we continue to emit CO 2 . While only a half-degree increase in Celsius, oceans also release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. About 85% of Earth's CO 2 dissolves into seawater ".

The second half of the 21st century, unusually hot, will be an annual phenomenon, taking place on 60% of the Earth's surface. Under the influence of high temperatures, the land surface area begins to increase by about one percent each year. What can't burn will sink into the water. According to data from the United Nations, global sea levels rose 3.2 millimeters a year - twice as fast as the previous century.

Picture 1 of The ocean will be boiling after 300 years


National Geographic magazine published a forecast of the planet's geographic shape changes as polar ice sheets melting due to global warming flooding coastal areas, where a large proportion of the world's population is located. All these waters will be lifeless, like 3 billion and a half years ago.

If we have the opportunity to enter the ancient sea, we will only see the 'soup' bacteria from algae and microorganisms. They evolved into complex variations. But right now, we're talking about the reverse deformation of the complex ocean ecosystem (with large animals and troubled food chains) into a simple system dominated by bacteria and jellyfish. Researcher Alexei Karnaukhov, Institute of Cell Biophysiology (Russian Institute of Science and Technology) said:

'First of all, it will turn away from animals standing on the edge of expectations, not the species that are in large numbers. They are also known as fry, with the function of creating stable reserves. When changes in weather conditions occur, these species compensate for ecological vulnerabilities and provide stability to the system. For example, 80 types of plankton absorb about 90% of carbon dioxide from the air. These species are very sensitive to water temperature and acidity. The change of the listed indicators will cause the death of plankton ".

One of the leading causes of ocean exhaustion is large-scale fishing. There are data showing that the number of large fish species (tuna, marlin, cod, and flounder) has decreased by 90% since 1950. Fishing fleets are now shifting to sardines, anchovy, herring. Their main food is plankton. The narrowing of an important link in the food chain threatens to undermine the ecosystem. Alexey Karnaukhov said:

'First of all, birds will disappear because they eat fish. Starting from penguins to seagulls. Birds can also die because of changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere. They are much more sensitive to atmospheric carbon dioxide than mammals. "

Human activity is transforming the basic chemical composition of the sea. The concentration of acid in the water increases. Reduces calcium carbonate - important building materials for bone and coral shells, plankton, shellfish and many other marine organisms.

But the most terrible thing is not only the formation of the original ocean ecosystem, - Alexey Karnaukhov concluded: 'If we do not limit ourselves to the consumption of natural resources (including hydrocarbons). , our ocean will be boiled. This can happen within 300 years, if we do not change the nature of natural exploitation. The temperature can change over 100 degrees. The sea will be gone. Global warming goes into the irreversible greenhouse effect phase. And the planet Earth turns into a Venus, where the surface no longer has any life. "

In short, we no longer easily ignore environmental issues. They start to directly influence the quality of life of each person. Although many scientists have a view that climate change is cyclical, the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is increasing and decreasing and the 'inverse' mechanism will work. But today no one can say how it will happen, how and with what happen.

Update 17 December 2018



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