The origin 'no one knows - no one knows' in the names of the months

Have you ever wondered behind the names of January, February ... is that a mysterious story?

Have you ever wondered behind the names of January, February . is that a mysterious story?

We still call the months in Vietnamese in a very simple way: January, February, March . according to the solar calendar and January, December according to the lunar calendar. However, in English, every month has its own meaning.

The British used the calendar but the naming of the month was directly influenced by the Romans . This is easy to understand by the island of Britania (derived from the way the Romans called indigenous English: Britons) ruled by Rome for a long time and the calendar also came from the Romans.

The following article will help you better understand the origin of the months used in English, as well as some interesting things, or deviations in the original use with modern usage.

Picture 1 of The origin 'no one knows - no one knows' in the names of the months

January originated from Janus, the name of the goddess handed over in Roman mythology.

Picture 2 of The origin 'no one knows - no one knows' in the names of the months

February has the origin of Ferbrutus - also known as Pluto, the name of the hell god according to Roman mythology.

Picture 3 of The origin 'no one knows - no one knows' in the names of the months

March originated from Mars, who laid the foundation for the Romans.

Picture 4 of The origin 'no one knows - no one knows' in the names of the months

April originated from Venus, also known as Aphodis.

Picture 5 of The origin 'no one knows - no one knows' in the names of the months

May comes from the name Maia and June comes from Junior.

Picture 6 of The origin 'no one knows - no one knows' in the names of the months

These two months are named after two closely related people: Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar.

Picture 7 of The origin 'no one knows - no one knows' in the names of the months

These 4 months all have in common that they all take the order number with the -imber tail (rain) to indicate the month.

Update 18 December 2018



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