The process of turning an egg boiled into raw eggs

The technique of protein regeneration by twisting allows turning the boiled egg into the original living egg.

The technique of protein regeneration by twisting allows turning the boiled egg into the original living egg.

This is so obvious that it becomes an idiom.'You can't make a boiled egg, but you can almost do it.'

The process of caloric action on the molecules of eggs, can be reversed by mechanical energy.

The composition of eggs is mainly water and protein. Protein chains begin to fold into complex shapes, linked together by weak chemical bonds. The effect of heat destroys these bonds, causing proteins to open, straighten, twist and vibrate freely, a process known as protein denaturation.

Chaos motion protein molecules meet and begin to link together. This phenomenon increases gradually when the temperature is high, until they stick together and clump, ie the eggs are ripe. This connection seems to be permanent, but the truth is not so.

According to the chemical principle known as micro- reversal principle , any phenomenon, such as the lumpy egg protein phenomenon, can in theory be reversed if you reverse the original steps. The increased heat causes the proteins to stick to each other more tightly, while cooling will cause them to coagulate. Please give you a little tip: rotate them quickly.

Picture 1 of The process of turning an egg boiled into raw eggs

Boiling eggs does not really alter the chemical nature of the protein.

This method works as follows:

First, scientists decompose the egg whites in an aqueous solution of chemicals called urea. It consists of a small molecule that acts as a lubricant, encapsulating long protein chains and making them slip through each other easily.

Then, they rotated the solution in a glass tube at a super-fast speed of 5,000 revolutions per minute, making the solution precipitate into a thin layer at the bottom. This is the core of the problem.

The solution part near the edge of the tube rotates faster than the middle part of the solution. The difference in velocity creates pressure, constantly stretching and manipulating proteins until they return and remain in their original state.

When the rotating machine stops working, the egg white part will return to its state when it is not ripe. This technique works with all proteins. Larger and more messy proteins will be harder to separate, so scientists attach plastic beads to one end of the protein to increase pressure and make them fold themselves first.

This method is not effective for intact eggs because the solution must be in a cylinder. But somehow, we can apply it to revive our breakfast.

Many pharmaceuticals contain very expensive proteins, partly because they bind and clot like egg white when ripe, these proteins need to be twisted and recreated to be used.

This spinning technique has the potential to become a much easier, cheaper and faster method for other protein regeneration methods, so it helps to produce drugs faster and meet the needs of more people.

However, you need one thing before trying to revive your food. Boiling eggs is actually a special cooking process. Although changing the shape and proteins that bind together, boiled eggs do not really alter the chemical nature of the protein.

Most of the cooking process is similar to the Maillard reaction, making chemical changes that make sugar and protein turn into caramel crunches and reverse the process much more difficult.

So, even if you can revive a boiled egg, unfortunately you won't be able to revive the fried egg.

Update 18 December 2018



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