The secret of UFO warfare caused thousands of people to fall ill in 1665

350 years ago, Swedish fishermen simultaneously fell ill after witnessing many strange objects (UFOs) dancing in the sky.

350 years ago, Swedish fishermen simultaneously fell ill after witnessing many strange objects (UFOs) dancing in the sky.

Warship fighting in the air

In April 665, fishermen living near Barhöfft (Sweden, now in Germany) recounted a strange incident they had never witnessed in their lives. Accordingly, at about 2 pm on April 8, 665, they saw battle boats hovering in the sky. After the battle, all the battleships disappeared completely, leaving only a round, flat, black object appearing in the sky.

Picture 1 of The secret of UFO warfare caused thousands of people to fall ill in 1665

Right picture: The 1680 carved print with an illustration of Erasmus Francisci about a battle between ships in the sky took place in 1665. Background image: text and image from 'Miraculus Stralsund's illustration about air war and battles between ships), 1665.

In the book "Der wunder-reiche Ueberzug unserer Nider-Welt / Oder Erd-umgebende" written in 1689, the German scholar Erasmus Finx (1627-1694) wrote:

'After this incredible battle, there appeared a flat round object in the sky, like a disc, that looked like a big man's hat . It was a slightly dark silver color, hovering right above St. Church. Nicolai.

It stood there until the evening. Fishermen are very worried, do not want to take a closer look at the scene and cover their faces with their hands. In the following days, they were sick to shivering all over their bodies, head and leg pain.

Scholars of the time and those who witnessed the battle and then fell ill afterwards could not explain the event on April 8, 665. So far, the question about the strange incident that happened, and the fishermen who got sick after seeing it, is still an open question.

In June 2015, two UFO researchers and American anomalies, Chris Aubeck and Martin Shough, described in detail their investigation of the event exactly 350 years ago in EdgeScience magazine.

Scientific explanations

Aubeck and Shough had different views on this phenomenon:

According to them, it is possible that fishermen at that time had hallucinations named complex illusions (Fata Morgana) . This illusion is a kind of illusion that appears just above the horizon when there is a mix of layers of heat present in the air.

This illusion changes often and sometimes it may look like there are flying ships in the sky just above the horizon .

Picture 2 of The secret of UFO warfare caused thousands of people to fall ill in 1665

A complex illusion (Fata Morgana) in Santa Cruz, California (USA), the coastline is viewed from Moss Landing in July 2007.(Photos: Brocken Inaglory / Wikimedia Commons).

However, the event in 1665 is described as occurring higher in the sky than where the complex illusion (Fata Morgana) appears.

Illusions are also unexplainable about disc or hat plates, it is said that still appear until the afternoon, and complex illusion (Fata Morgana) is unstable for a long time.

Flock of birds

The 'battle' seems to have begun with the appearance of a flock of birds. Aubeck and Shough summarize:

'A large flock of birds appears in the sky. After moving in unison for a short period of time, they formed the shape 'like a long corridor in a house'. This form became a warship if viewed from the north, followed by numerous other ships.

After that, another group of large ships came from the South, to the Northeast. Fire and smoke appear when these two main ships glide together, frightening fishermen below. "

Picture 3 of The secret of UFO warfare caused thousands of people to fall ill in 1665

Image of large starlings of migratory season.(Photo: Walter Baxter / Wikimedia Commons).

According to two experts, this flock of starlings can sometimes merge together into a very amazing mass while they move.

And most likely, the unprecedented event has never surprised the fishermen.


According to scientific reports by two American experts in EdgeScience magazine, the strange event that happened 350 years ago is thought to be related to this UFO still contains many mysteries.

Is it just a natural or psychedelic phenomenon encountered by fishermen? Or is it true that there was an air war of large ships and then a strange flying object appeared that scientists still have "headaches" to this day?

Events related to UFOs and aliens are still the biggest attention of the scientific world today.

Update 06 July 2019



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