The space elevator will connect Earth with the Moon

This Spaceline elevator can be fabricated from existing materials. Instead of launching rockets out of orbit, astronauts will only need Spaceline to reach the end of the journey.

This Spaceline elevator can be fabricated from existing materials. Instead of launching rockets out of orbit, astronauts will only need Spaceline to reach the end of the journey.

Build a space elevator connecting the Earth to the Moon (Spaceline) , in order to reduce travel costs and spacecraft launches. This unique initiative has been launched by researchers from Columbia University (USA) and Cambridge (UK).

As described in research published on by researchers at Columbia University and Cambridge University, Spaceline will be like a string, one end tied at the Moon and the rest affected. of Earth's gravity as a single pendulum. After reaching a certain height to reach the top of the Earth (maybe by plane or some air transport), they will enter the elevator and move up as usual.

The papers provide evidence that Spaceline can be made from available materials, making it easier to travel through space and perhaps even orbital settlements.

Picture 1 of The space elevator will connect Earth with the Moon

One day, space travel will be made easy by elevators.

Instead of launching rockets out of orbit as usual, astronauts will just need to use Spaceline to reach the end of the journey. This will cut costs and reduce the risk of rocket launch. Once it reaches a void of space, free of earth's gravity and atmospheric pressure, the spacecraft will meet the cable and cling to a solar-powered space shuttle that will climb along the way. long pendulum.

Zephyr Penoyre - one of astronomy graduates, told Futurism: 'The line will become part of the infrastructure, like an original railway line - the movement of people and objects. along it would be much simpler and easier than similar journeys in space. '

Picture 2 of The space elevator will connect Earth with the Moon

Instead of launching rockets out of orbit as usual, astronauts will just need to use Spaceline to reach the end of the journey.

Despite the idea, building an elevator in space is very difficult, especially, in current scientific and technical conditions, we do not have any material that is strong enough to withstand force - due to force. Earth's gravity causes a stronger drag, which will jerk the cable before the cable is completed. However, if the cable is only fixed to the moon, the construction will be easier.

Throughout the paper, astronomy graduates from Penoyre and Cambridge often note that carbon nanotubes will be the best material to use, but this is a material that can't be mass-produced yet. for such a great work.

Picture 3 of The space elevator will connect Earth with the Moon

Spaceline can be made from existing materials, making it easier to travel through space and perhaps even orbital settlements.

According to some studies, the fact that there are still some materials with mechanical properties that meet the requirements of the building, the problem here is only the cost, as well as whether it can be mass produced for A macro like this or not.

'That's a good way to do it. The only thing that needs to be added is that this material also needs to be able to survive well in deep space, '' Pen Penoyre said.'I've briefly considered this but I'm not a science expert. material. I usually use Dyneema material as a sample document in calculations and it has some pretty good properties'.

For the wire, the researchers investigated several shapes, eventually coming to an extremely narrow cable at both ends, so that it didn't collapse under the pressure of gravity, but thickened in the middle to avoid broken.

If everything happens and Spaceline will one day become a reality, researchers envision a future - in which humans use it as a leash for the orbital telescope, the research center. and other facilities may hover at the Lagrange point, the height at which the Moon and Earth exert equal but opposite gravitational forces.

'Think of basecamps in Antarctica early on, there might have been only three engineers there at first, but unlike Earth's low orbit, the Lagrange point was the perfect place to build. Penoyre said, 'We can wallow in a bit of imagination - there are pictures of mobile homes being sent on space elevators, and gathered into an ever-growing neighborhood. I was surprised to find that now that there are thousands of people living a significant part of the year in Antarctica, I believe that eventually the same thing could be true for Lagrange '.

Picture 4 of The space elevator will connect Earth with the Moon

The first human footprints on the Moon.

If we successfully exploit this idea, we will save a lot of cost and effort, instead of launching rockets like before.

  • Japan studies manufacturing elevator into space
  • 2035: How was the space elevator built?
Update 14 September 2019



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