The strange near death feeling

The vast majority of people before death have strange feelings. Scientists' conclusions make us feel both scared and curious.

The vast majority of people before death have strange feelings. Scientists' conclusions make us feel both scared and curious.

Strange feelings before dying

The research results show that some feelings before the death of the buried people died, drowned to beheaded. With the help of advanced scientific methods and the retelling of those who survived death, the experts had the first evidence.

Picture 1 of The strange near death feeling

According to the article, no matter how and under what circumstances the human being died, the oxygen-deficient brain would be ' fatal blow'. Although there are some questions about this issue, experts still publish their conclusions.


People who had escaped drowning remembered, at first they were extremely scared, trying to hold their breath, usually lasting 30-90 seconds. When the water rushes into the lungs, there will be a feeling of heart lung rupture, burning hot, but very soon afterwards feel unusually calm inside. The lack of oxygen made them lose consciousness, the heart stopped beating and the brain became numb.


Symptoms such as chest tightness or difficulty breathing are common symptoms of heart disease. The heart beats and stops beating. The patient will gradually lose consciousness for 10 seconds, and a few minutes later the breathing stops.

Dead due to blood loss

Sudden blood loss is an important sign of death. Any person who has lost 1.5 liters of blood, has a loose body, has a dry mouth, and is anxious. If 2 liters of blood is lost, there will be dizziness, ambiguity and ambiguity, and eventually death.

Picture 2 of The strange near death feeling

Dead because of electric shock

An electric shock can cause the heart to stop beating, about 10 seconds later, the victim will lose consciousness. If the heart and brain are affected by too high voltage, it will quickly lead to death. Prisoners who are executed in the form of electric seats are simply dead because the brain is too hot or suffocated.

Dead by falling

According to the accounts of those who escaped death, when falling from above, it makes people feel like time slows down. American scientists have studied the corpses of 100 people who committed suicide by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge at a height of about 75m down, showing that many cases of lung were severed, heart was strongly disturbed, trachea and All bones are broken, torn.

Die by hanging

Hanging is a method of suicide or execution of a death sentence. It will make people lose consciousness for 10 seconds, if they have not stopped breathing, they will suffer in a few minutes. It is often called 'dripping death'. But through the study of the bodies of 34 offenders who were executed, 4/5 of them died from suffocation.

Death from burns

Severe burn injuries are often painful, because the skin is very sensitive. According to experts, when the burns, the nerve layers under the skin will be broken, in some cases there is a feeling that they are burned but in fact it is not. Most of them died from inhaling toxic gas and suffocation.

Cut head

Head-down is a method that leads to death in the blink of an eye, when you feel pain is already dead, but consciousness remains for a while in the marrow. Experts said the brain remained active for 7 seconds afterwards. The victims after cutting their heads, eyes and mouth are still active for more than 30 seconds.

Update 18 December 2018



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