The suspect is super volcano on Mars

The circular depressions on the red planet can form after volcanic eruptions, releasing large amounts of matter.

The circular depressions on the red planet can form after volcanic eruptions, releasing large amounts of matter.

Scientists identified a large circular valley called Ismenia Patera on Mars may be a remnant of a super volcano after studying new terrain and image data, Mirror reported Wednesday. Earlier, NASA and the Planetary Science Institute (PSI) suggested that this low-lying area formed after an ancient collision with meteorites.

Picture 1 of The suspect is super volcano on Mars

Image of Ismenia Patera on Mars by the Mars Express spacecraft.(Photo: ESA).

New data is sent from spacecraft flying around Mars, including Mars Odyssey, Mars Global Surveyor, NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and Mars Express of the European Space Agency (ESA)."On Mars, young volcanoes have a very distinctive appearance that helps us identify , " said Joseph Michalski, a researcher at PSI and London's Museum of Natural History.

"However, how ancient volcanoes look is a long-standing question. Perhaps they are like this new image," Michalski added. The team thinks that a strong eruption may have taken place. Volcanoes release large amounts of such material in a single eruption called super volcano , according to ESA.

"This powerful eruption releases as much ash and matter as many times as the typical Martian volcanic form. In these eruptions on Earth, matter can fly up and spread across the gas. The book and its existence are so long that it changes global temperatures for many years, " explained Jacob Bleacher, an expert at NASA's Goddard center.

After the volcano erupted, the surrounding ground could fall down into a depression, making the area look like a crater cratered by meteors."If there are several such volcanoes that have been active, they can have a great impact on the evolution of Mars," Bleacher said.

Update 18 December 2018



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