The toxins from plant food

Use vegetables, tubers, fruits, and take advantage of cooking accessories that are familiar to our housewives.

Use vegetables, tubers, fruits, and take advantage of cooking accessories that are familiar to our housewives.

Top 13 toxins present in familiar plants daily

  • Green leaves and tomatoes
  • Bean seeds and leaves
  • Ginger sprout and be crushed, rot
  • Sweet potatoes have dark brown spots
  • Apple seed
  • Asparagus fruit
  • Potato stems and sprouts
  • Bamboo and bamboo shoots
  • Cassava (noodles)
  • Leaves and flowers of eggplant
  • Peanuts (peanuts)
  • Cashew
  • Turnip

But nutrition experts note, this plant food source may also contain some toxins that are harmful to health, which need to be removed when processing food.

Green leaves and tomatoes

Picture 1 of The toxins from plant food

Green leaves and tomatoes contain small amounts of solanin and tomatin . These toxins will cause digestive disorders, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea . And if eaten too much, about 450 grams, can be fatal . Therefore, should eat, processing ripe tomatoes even red, and no flowers.

Bean seeds and leaves

According to Prof. Dr. Do Tat Loi, the bean, scientific name is Pachyrhizus erosus, belongs to the Fabacede butterfly family. Jicama are grown in many places to get tubers for food.

However, the flowers and seeds contain rotenon poison, which is not edible, only used to produce pesticides and to treat scabies and skin sores. If you eat seeds, the leaves contain rotenon components, after 5 - 40 minutes may show poisoning. Symptoms are fast and severe and can occur from 2 to 5 hours.

Ginger sprout and be crushed, rot

Ginger is the scientific name Zingiber officinale Rose. Ginger has long been used as a familiar spice in many dishes, and is a traditional natural remedy.

Picture 2 of The toxins from plant food

However, depending on how people use it, ginger becomes a panacea or a poison.

Many housewives often remove ginger sprouts or rotten areas and continue to use them. This is quite dangerous because fresh ginger is crushed, rotten and sprouted ginger during processing can produce toxins with sulfur that damage the liver, stomach, intestines, causing immediate reduction of absorption of substances. nutrition, and in the long term damage to liver cells, changes in the structure of cells in the digestive system can lead to liver cancer, esophageal cancer .

Sweet potatoes have dark brown spots

Potatoes that have not been stored for a long time are not properly maintained will result in black spots on the outer skin, or molds, decomposing, due to bacterial infection of black stripes.

Picture 3 of The toxins from plant food

Black sheath bacteria causes the tubers to lose nutrients, and produce some toxins, such as cetones and alcohol that are toxic to the liver, potatoes become pale and bitter.

Signs of intoxication usually appear after half a day include: fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea . More severe may be high fever, headache, convulsions, vomiting blood, coma, maybe even die.

In particular, these toxins are heat resistant, not destroyed by cooking. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately remove the potato blackhead disease, absolutely not just peel off the black spots and use the rest.

Apple seed

Apple seeds contain cyanide toxins, such as amygdalin , which can release cyanide (CN) radicals in contact with digestive enzymes of the intestinal tract.

Normally, the shell of apple seeds is solid, only poisoned when chewed. It is normal for an adult to chew about 200 apple seeds to make a new dose of sufficiently fatal cyanide.

Asparagus fruit

If you've ever been growing asparagus, you'll notice that the female trees produce red berries that look very attractive.

These berries contain sapogenins, which can be toxic to humans and cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Potato stems and sprouts

Picture 4 of The toxins from plant food

In potatoes, solanin is mostly concentrated in branches and sprouts, so you need to be careful to cut off these parts before processing them. The green potatoes are also high in solanin.

Infected people stand solanin causing acrid bitter mouth, dizziness, nausea, vomiting .  

Bamboo and bamboo shoots

Cyanide is a toxic substance in bamboo shoots. Survey on 3 types of commercially available bamboo shoots: white bamboo shoots (slices of fresh bamboo shoots), soaked white shoots (with sour water) and yellow bamboo shoots (boiled bamboo shoots) all have relatively high levels of cyanide.

Cyanide in bamboo shoots can be washed away with water. Therefore, when processing bamboo shoots, it is necessary to wash thoroughly, soak bamboo shoots for many hours and boil them twice to avoid poisoning.

Cassava (noodles)

Picture 5 of The toxins from plant food

Like bamboo shoots, cassava also has toxic cyanide. When processing, it is necessary to remove by peeling, soaking for several hours before boiling, when boiling open the lid to allow the cyanide to evaporate.

Leaves and flowers of eggplant

Eggplant, goat's egg, is another member of the Caucasian family. Many people believe that eating raw eggplant is poisoned, but the poison is actually harmful when processed eggplant processing food.

The poison present in the leaves and eggplant is solanin, causing gastrointestinal disorders.

Peanuts (peanuts)

Picture 6 of The toxins from plant food

Peanuts, peanuts, very high nutritional value. But if storage is not good, to peanuts moldy with Aspergillus flavus yellow fungus. This mold will produce aflatoxin, causing acute poisoning with symptoms: abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea . and long-term poisoning will cause chronic hepatitis and liver cancer.


Raw cashews contain a small amount of urushiol toxin , if eaten in large quantities can be fatal. Therefore, only buy and use processed cashews.


White radish contains furocoumarins toxin . This toxin is usually highest in the crust, can cause stomach pain or a burning reaction on the skin on contact. Therefore, when preparing food, it is necessary to remove the skin and the damaged part of the bulb to avoid poison. Poisons can be pyrolytic, if cooked, baked, put in the microwave, radishes are also toxic.

  • Ancient poison called 'smile of death'
  • 13 kinds of the most terrible poison in the world
Update 13 May 2020



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