The video illustrates the scene of Nibiru stabbing the earth

According to rumors, the Sumerians (living in the fourth millennium BC and reaching a very high scientific and technological level before the destruction) discovered the planet Nibiru.

According to rumors, the Sumerians (living in the fourth millennium BC and reaching a very high scientific and technological level before the destruction) discovered the planet Nibiru. Then they determined that it would clash with the Earth. That is 2012.

Apocalypse affirmations in 2012 are not based on any scientific basis. If the earth is at risk of colliding with a certain object, astronomers have discovered that object for decades before the collision occurred. If the planet called Nibiru is about to hit the earth in 2012, we can now see it with the naked eye. But nobody saw anything, because the planet did not exist.

Update 15 December 2018



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