Ticks: Specialty or poison?

Some larvae can cause poisoning to users. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention when using.

Some larvae can cause poisoning to users. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention when using.

Poison from the dish is hunted

Insects are specialties of many regions and countries such as Cambodian jumping spider, British insect candy, Colombian insect sauce, African Mopane deep . Including developed or developing countries, dishes from The animals are scary, this horror is increasingly popular and sought after.

Not only is a strange dish, insect food is also encouraged by low fat, high protein, nutritious. However, with each species will be processed and eaten in a different way to ensure flavor and health safety. If you eat the wrong way, not only does it not absorb nutrients, but it can also be poisoned.

In Vietnam, recently, the trend of eating insects is increasing. However, not all insects, any larvae can eat and people need to be careful.

Picture 1 of Ticks: Specialty or poison?

Ticks are not safe dishes.(Photo: Star).

The ability of the larvae to cause toxicity

Experts say the larvae themselves are not toxic to humans. However, due to living underground, larvae are susceptible to poisonous mushrooms. Fungal spores develop, killing larvae, making the pupae a toxin.

In addition, pupae can cause allergies to people who have inappropriate premises. The soil environment also provides the opportunity for parasites to attach to the pupae. Eating raw can cause parasites to enter the human body because the body contains a lot of protit. Dead pupae can produce many harmful toxins.


Mushrooms in cicada pupae have a strong toxicity. These toxins are not degraded under high temperature, during processing, cooking, so people eat easily. After about 2-3 hours, even 30 minutes, symptoms begin to appear. People with mild allergies often show rash, hives or vomiting, abdominal pain.

Picture 2 of Ticks: Specialty or poison?

Some types of insects are considered specialty foods.(Artwork: Internet).

In case of severe poisoning, victims have difficulty breathing, convulsions, vomiting blood, neurotoxicity, coma leads to death.

Some first aid methods

When detecting someone who is poisoned by eating insects, they should quickly call for emergency services, while in the meantime, first aid should be taken. If the patient is alert, find a way to help the patient vomit out the food in the abdomen. Let the patient drink crushed green beans or drink orezol water, or mix 1 liter of water with 4 tablespoons of sugar, 1/2 spoon of salt . to limit the harmful effects of toxins.


How to identify larvae carrying poison

Many people after digging the larvae often only wash through and process, do not pay attention to their shape which makes the person susceptible to poisoning. The fungal infected larvae are usually irregular in shape, the end bulges, the head appears 1 - 5 stems, looks like mushrooms.

The dead larvae no longer have nutrients, the possibility of fungal infection, parasites cause high toxicity . Therefore, the user should remove all dead children.

Pupils bought in the market, the seller can soak in sodium sulfite for eye-catching pupae, longer preservation time. Therefore, people should pay attention to selecting fresh pupae, the closely linked burners.

Picture 3 of Ticks: Specialty or poison?

However, eating insects can be poisoning leading to death.(Artwork: Internet).

Processed properly

  • Larvae catch on, wash, remove dead children, then process according to needs such as stir-frying, baking . make sure the pupa is cooked.
  • Absolutely not eat raw.
  • Eat slowly to see your body's reaction.
  • When signs of headache, dizziness are detected . stop eating and induce vomiting, go to a medical facility if symptoms continue.


  • Do not use dead larvae, strange shapes, unknown insects.
  • Currently, experts only confirm that the larvae may contain a lot of nutrients, the energy-enhancing and positive energy-enhancing properties of larvae are not recognized, so people should not believe and use them.
  • Do not abuse larvae as food. Combine meat, fish, vegetables . to ensure nutrition and safety for the body.
Update 15 December 2018



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