Tiny strange creatures, hybrid mouse breeds elephants

Scientists have discovered a new animal, which possesses a shape similar to mice but with a tap, in the remote desert region of Namibia, southwestern Africa.

Scientists have discovered a new animal, which possesses a shape similar to mice but with a tap, in the remote desert region of Namibia, southwestern Africa.

The new creature is an elephant shrew , whose scientific name is Macroscelides micus and is often referred to as Etendeka round ear sengi . Although the smallest member ever known among the 19 sengi species of the Macroscelidea group, the round ear sengi is actually closer to a genetically elephant than a shrew.

Picture 1 of Tiny strange creatures, hybrid mouse breeds elephants

Newly discovered species that look like mice, but have taps.(Photo: Daily Mail)

Experts from the California Institute of Science (US) discovered the existence of Etendeka round ear sengi in the remote desert region of Namibia. This is the third new elephant shrew found in the wild over the past decade.

According to the study published in the Journal of Mammalogy, this tiny creature is smaller than other sengi, with a rusty coat, a large, hairless gland at the bottom and a lack of pigmentation. dark. Its unusual appearance caught the attention of experts Jack Dumbacher and Galen Rathbun of the California Academy of Sciences, who noted that it looked different from every specimen stored in the museum they had ever encountered.

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Results of gene analysis have shown important differences between tiny organisms and close relatives. Along with colleagues from the National Museum of Namibia as well as the Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Namibia, two US researchers searched for similar animals and conducted more genetic tests, before confirm that they have discovered a new species.

"The difference between the new species and all known relatives is very small. Genetically, Macroscelides micus is very different from the other members of the Macroscelidea group. It is interesting to think that there are still things in the world. Mammalian populations are unknown and still waiting to be discovered , " Dr Dumbacher said.

Picture 3 of Tiny strange creatures, hybrid mouse breeds elephants

Despite the tiny shape, the round ears sengi are practically closer to a genetically elephant than a shrew.

Elephant shrews exist only in Africa. Despite their small size, they have relatives closer to elephants, manatees (often referred to as sea cows) and aardvark (land pigs) than shrews.The round-eared sengi species has so far been discovered because of its growing area, an isolated, fringe area deep in the interior of the Namibia Namib desert at the foot of the Etendeka plateau, which is difficult to access.

However, it was the isolation and unique environmental conditions of the region that facilitated the development of round ears and other endemic animals. Scientists expect to continue discovering new species here.

Update 16 December 2018



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