To improve a child's IQ

Picture 1 of To improve a child's IQ The period from the time of being in the womb to adulthood is the age at which parents can influence their interests and ability to learn. For children of this age, there are some things that parents need to strengthen to help their IQ (IQ) best develop.


Parents use language with good grammatical structure (complete sentences, even complex sentences) when speaking to children will facilitate the development of language thinking in children.

Have breakfast

According to a study conducted by Japanese scientists, children who go to school without breakfast are more likely to be in a more stressful situation. A study in the United States found that children who did not eat breakfast could improve their ability to learn when they received a snack.

Also according to this study, when children eat breakfast, they are less anxious, less disruptive and more capable of humor.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Mainly found in fat-rich fish, which are indispensable for brain structure development. Developmental Omega 3 supplements will lead to good cognitive abilities in children.


Severe iodine deficiency causes mental retardation and a milder, more frequent deficiency of iodine can affect children's learning.

Vitamin C

It is essential for the synthesis of substances to help develop children's intelligence and attention. A study in the UK showed that the vitamin C ratio in the blood was consistent with the child's IQ. Another recent study by Harvard University concluded that children who consume less vitamin C accumulate more lead in their blood.

Vitamins and mineral water

Many studies have shown that the addition of vitamins and minerals in low doses can slightly increase children's IQ (2-3 points). This level does not seem to make sense for a well-nourished child but for children with poor dietary conditions, the addition of a similar dose may increase IQ by 15 points.