Top 10 shocking tricks in April Fool's Day history

April Fools' Day scams: The news that 'Effeil tower has been dismantled' was published on the front page of a French newspaper; Google once teased users with the announcement that it was about to produce drinks...

It's not just individuals racing to come up with pranks to "trap" their friends on April Fools' Day. Even businesses and mass media agencies sometimes have "bloody" humor, teasing customers with "unstoppable" tricks.

The most "cool" tricks on the day of lying

Google makes drinks

Google loves to create April Fools jokes for its customers. The most heinous joke ever mentioned was made in 2005. On the 1st of April of that year, Google announced that it was about to enter the field of beverage production, the new product would be called Google Gulp. According to the company's advertising, this drink helps increase intelligence, and is also good for health because it is a low carb food (very low sugar and starch).

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Google's "classic" April Fools' Day trick.

In addition to the above trick, Google also made many customers mistake when it announced that it would launch special products such as Google Romance matchmaking service, Gmail Custom Time feature to help fix email sending time in the past. In some years, the company also claimed to have found the treasure of the pirate island.

Because of "cheating" many times on April Fool's Day, in one truth telling, Google was found to be lying. Specifically, when the company announced that it would provide 1GB of free storage to Gmail users, most customers did not believe it because the announcement was made on April 1.

Simplified Pi number

Many students in Alabama (USA) happily celebrated until they humbly realized that they had been cheated on the case of redefining the number of Pi in mathematics. On April 1, 1998, they received information, the legislators in the state of Alabama (USA) decided to approve the reduction and rounding of the divine Pi in mathematics from 3.14159. down to 3 for simple.

This "good news" quickly spread, making the students extremely happy. But then the truth was revealed, it turned out that this was just fake news spread by an ordinary man named Mark Boslough. In fact, in 1897, the Indian legislature proposed to change Pi to 3.2 for roundness, but it was not accepted.

Spaghetti growing on a tree

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Spaghetti growing on a tree is an April Fool's trick that makes many laugh out loud.

On April 1, 1997, the BBC's "Panorama" program (UK) reported that Swiss farmers had just had a great spaghetti harvest season thanks to favorable rains. The news report also featured footage of Swiss farmers intently pulling down strands of spaghetti from a tree. Many British viewers were amazed, not expecting that your country's science would be so advanced that it could breed such a wonderful plant.

Removing the Eiffel Tower

On April 1, 1986, Le Parisien - France's "national" newspaper published on the front page information that the French Government decided to remove the Eiffel Tower, moving it from the center of Paris, so shocked that he wanted to have a heart attack before realizing it. This is an April Fool's trick.

Burger King for left-handed people

On April 1, 1998, Burger King launched a campaign to promote a new product - hamburgers for left-handed people. According to the advertisement, this cake has the same ingredients as the normal product, except that it is arranged 180 degrees backwards for the convenience of left-handed customers.

Needless to say, left-handed people are excited, touched when they see themselves being cared for, and then disappointed when Burger King corrects that it is just an April Fools' joke.

Turn Big Ben into an electronic clock

On April Fools' Day 1980, the BBC reported that Big Ben - the symbol of the British capital - would be renovated and Big Ben's clock would be converted into an electronic clock to suit the new era. Contrary to the desire to entertain the public, the BBC has had to apologize after facing a storm of criticism for its bullshit joke.

London white lion trick

In 1860, Londoners received an invitation: "Tower Castle London cordially invites everyone to the annual white lion bathing ceremony, which takes place on April 1, 1860. Only welcome guests at the White Gate".

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Invitation to the white lion bathing ceremony.

At noon on April 1 of that year, crowds gathered outside the Tower of London castle and were saddened to hear that there was no lion here, let alone a white lion.

Horses must also have brake lights

On April Fool's Day 1961, La Notte newspaper (Italy) reported that the Milan city government had just passed a law forcing people to equip their horses with brake lights and signal lights when traveling on the road. Street. Back then in Milan, horses were a common means of transportation, so this fake news caused a stir among people until they realized they had been tricked.

Detecting life on the Moon

This April Fool's trick is the work of the New York Sun in 1835. The newspaper published a lengthy article signed by the famous astronomer John Herschel, which said that his research team had discovered life. on the moon. The article describes in detail the herds of bison roaming the plains or the blue unicorns living in the hills. The astronomer's reputation made most readers believe and excited about this "major discovery".

Thomas Edison invented a food maker

The Daily Graphic newspaper (USA) reported in 1878 that scientist Thomas Edison invented a machine that could produce food and drink such as meat, vegetables, wine or biscuits. from earth materials. water and air. The article very vividly describes the working mechanism of the machine and says that it will help solve hunger for mankind. However, Thomas Edison was not angry, but only sent a letter to the editorial office with a few words: "It is spectacular". In fact, right below the article was a caption that this was just a joke, but because many readers were lazy and didn't read it all, they sent orders to Edison.

Update 01 April 2022



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