Tracking whales - Court rulings and unknown things about whales (Part 2)

The public opinion somehow helped the quiet but bigger victory of environmentalists in forcing the nation's highest court to consider the state of whales in the context of bouncing. disagree about national security.

The public opinion somehow helped the quiet but bigger victory of environmentalists in forcing the nation's highest court to consider the state of whales in the context of bouncing. disagree about national security. This is one thing people don't dare to think of just a long time ago.

The judge, along with another judge, had to cite the study showing the link between the application of tumors to the stranded catastrophe of marine mammals, hemorrhage around the brain and ears, transforming severe in the central nervous system, and lesions in vital organs.

Picture 1 of Tracking whales - Court rulings and unknown things about whales (Part 2)

(Photo: Ivan Chermayeff)

After making an environmental assessment carried out by the Navy on a wide range of damage that the Navy's exercises are likely to cause, the judge finally came to the conclusion: 'In view. My vulnerability cannot be easily ignored, even if faced with the risk of ineffective training in Navy training. ' The Navy has agreed to conduct broad-based environmental studies to coordinate advanced Scouting to avoid, whenever possible, conduct close-up exercises with whales. .

Finally, the supreme court dismissed the notion that the use of chaos could be seen as a turning point in the relationship between us and the whale - this is the moment when new knowledge about copper behavior Our type of sea life mysteriously forces us to reconsider and renegotiate what was once considered to be a different boundary between our world and the world of whales. Scientists have documented behaviors such as using tools and using community hunting strategies in whales. It has also been discovered that killer whales also mourn their dead counterparts.

Three years ago, researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York found that in the brains of many whales there are many high-level specialized neurons that are involved in the ability to use language - the ability to ever arguably unique characteristics of humans and a small number of primates. Indeed, marine biologists also reveal whales that have a variety in the sound they emit and they also have complex social structures and cultures.

We know that whales also know how to teach and learn. They know how to support, coordinate and know how to hurt. They can identify themselves and others. They recognize and fight enemies. Perhaps the most surprising is with what we treat them, they still, in certain cases, learn to trust us again.

'Whale! Two hours! ', The sound of our guide-cum-boatman, Ranulfo Mayoral, rang on one morning in March. He pointed the tip of the boat toward the erupting water column to the west of San Ignacio Lake, Baja where I found come with the hope of experiencing for the first time the connection between humans and whales. We were on an 18-foot fishing boat with the Mayoral name Dolphin II. Less than 20 minutes later, I acted as a researcher on the behavior of marine mammals and a group of three other whale observers - seeing gray whales in sight. But yet another pillar of water erupted on the Pacific horizon, then a tail sparkled by the sun suddenly appeared as if dancing.

Picture 2 of Tracking whales - Court rulings and unknown things about whales (Part 2)

(Photo: Ivan Chermayeff)

Whales always avoid us, so they become very attractive.Although they are the largest creatures on earth, they spend most of their time in their environment outside of our view. They are almost alien creatures. In addition to the occasional stray fish or victims stranded on the beach, whales only visit us in the blink of an eye as they climb up to breathe or jump on the water: this breathtaking spectacle always makes the house Some people think it is a perfect image and others think that whales are trying to remove those who eat on their bodies. Because gray whales at Baja often elude humans, they cause scientists to wonder because of a completely opposite reason: they seem to be unable to reach people enough.

When I contacted whale researcher Frohoff - in January in Seattle - where she lived then, she said she would go to Baja to do research on human-whale interaction. Every winter and early spring, gray whales - members of the horny whale family (named after mouth keratin plates that whales use to filter food) all have thousands of children in the warm, quiet break on the west coast of Baja. Here the mother whales give birth and nourish their offspring for 2 to 4 months before they start migrating north to the food-searching areas of the Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea. This time of raising babies is often when the mammals are the most closed and most alert, but many gray whales in Baja, Frohoff said, consider the date of birth and raise a child like a long party. She said: 'This is strange. It was at the time that we thought they were going to be highly guarded and they lived unbelievably collectively. They will approach boats, so that people touch them, rub them on their mouths and tongues. '


Tracking whales - Mystery of whale whale whale events (Part 1)

Update 16 December 2018



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