Trump is about to make money to find aliens?

In a recent NASA orientation bill, the US House of Representatives proposed to pour $ 10 million / year for the agency to serve the search for aliens in deep space.

In a recent NASA orientation bill, the US House of Representatives proposed to pour $ 10 million per year for the agency to serve in the deep space area.

Picture 1 of Trump is about to make money to find aliens?

The US House of Representatives proposed pouring money to search for aliens in Deep Space.

Deep Space - the deep space is the space outside the influence of the Earth, ie not farther away than the Moon. NASA is facing the possibility of resuming a search if the US government passes funding.

Astronomer Jill Tarter, former Director of the Center for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), says her lifelong career is to search for aliens. According to her, the US Congress was willing to sponsor this research. This will help NASA reconnect the alien search across the galaxy after the first hunt ended in 1992.

"10 million USD / year, like a continuous flow of funding, has great significance. It can allow people to make specialized devices and use them to search in space for a while. long, " stressed Ms. Tarter. Before NASA stopped searching for aliens 25 years ago, astronomers set out to look for communication signals using a narrow set of frequencies.

However, after decades of searching, astronomers were unable to find any sign of aliens.

Update 19 December 2018



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