Mankind is still actively implementing all plans for space exploration in order to quickly find a place that can sustain life.

In a recent NASA orientation bill, the US House of Representatives proposed to pour $ 10 million / year for the agency to serve the search for aliens in deep space.

Has been started since 2015 but until now, the Breakthrough Listen Initiative project has been officially tested for the first time.

A very unhappy news for believers who believe in aliens.

On Earth, mating activity is essential for the survival of many life forms.

Astronomer Seth Shostak of the Search for Alien Intelligence (SETI) said that people are about to find alien intelligence, Futurism on October 1 reported.

According to National Geographic, two Voyager spacecraft launched by NASA in the late 1970s. These two spacecraft reach the farthest distance Earth ever.

Recently, experts stated that 2017 will be a memorable year, because people will most likely find extraterrestrial life.

Scientists in Australia participated in the search for alien-minded life forms by directing an extremely large disk telescope toward Proxima Centauri, one of the closest to the

Caisey Harlingten, a businessman and Canadian amateur astronomer, plans to build a $ 1 billion Colossus telescope to search for aliens.