Unique fabrication of remote sensing satellites with fresh water cans

Kumar Jana used Coca cans, energy drinks, and beer cans to make small satellites that could be used as an open source database.

Suraj Kumar Jana, a 22-year-old young engineer from Bengaluru (India), founded Opencube LabsBased - an organization that uses soft drinks to build mini satellites.

He used Coke cans, energy drinks, and beer cans to make small satellites that could be used as an open source database to survey some indicators of the southern Indian city.

Picture 1 of Unique fabrication of remote sensing satellites with fresh water cans

Soda cans can also be used to make satellites.

With the use of these sub-satellites, Jana can map the level of pollution and temperature of the city and thus serve the government's policy making process.

This program is called "CanSat Program" which consists of an airship that draws the satellite with open hardware devices (Arduino, RaspberryPi) assembled inside a 350ml soda can.

The satellite submarine has been brought into the air from India's Yelahanka air base. With the help of parachutes, satellite sub-data will transmit data to the ground station.

The data collected from this small sub-satellite includes temperature and pollution levels, air and water quality, UV penetration and the level of traffic congestion in the city.

Update 17 December 2018



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