Vali contacted the owner

Luggage GPS tracking chip can be self

Luggage with a GPS tracking chip can "communicate" with travelers or airlines when lost at the airport.

The smart bag design was introduced by Airbus aircraft maker Bag2G . The product is fitted with an internal GPS tracking chip, which can be tracked through an application on the smartphone. Thanks to this structure, it can transmit data about specific destinations to tourists or airlines, when lost at the airport.

Picture 1 of Vali contacted the owner

Intelligent luggage can communicate with passengers when lost at the airport. (Photo: CNN)

According to CNN, the researchers also gave the idea of allowing check-in luggage at the airport and determining the weight and size required by the airline. This idea was introduced in France last year.

AT & T Communications Corp. in May also introduced a similar design. According to experts, the technology will be applied to some types of bags or suitcases through a card connection.

With this design, the contact luggage compartment will automatically connect to the airline's information technology system, or communicate directly with the owner.

The products are still in the research and development stage. When applied in the future, it will solve the problem of ensuring the safety of passengers at the airport. US carriers have mistakenly handled over 140,000 luggage for tourists in April.

Update 11 December 2018



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