Video: Mysterious giant object floating in the lake in America

A mysterious object floating in the famous lake in America has astonished those who believe in conspiracy theory.

A mysterious object floating in the famous lake in America has astonished those who believe in conspiracy theory.


According to the Daily Star, the video shows a mysterious black object floating on Erie Lake, stretching from Ontario province in Canada to three US states.

In the video, viewers can see that the object is of considerable size, and even seems to be gliding across the water. There are also mirror images below the object.

The video was sent to the Blake brothers, who owned the famous thirdphaseofmoon YouTube channel, for analysis.

' Some say this may be a US Navy submarine floating on the water. But it doesn't look like that. The object is just like floating on the water , ' Blake said.

Picture 1 of Video: Mysterious giant object floating in the lake in America

Huge mysterious object floating on the lake in America.

Brett also agreed: 'This is obviously evidence of an undetermined underwater object (USO)'.

Blake asked, 'Is there a possibility of an underground base under this huge lake?'

Blake and Brett then gave a more plausible explanation. It was a reflection illusion when the eye zoomed away.

Many viewers were surprised with the mysterious object image in the video.'Aliens are coming', a video viewer commented.

Update 03 May 2019



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