Video: Strange phenomenon makes fingers glow

A resident of Wisconsin, USA, suddenly spotted electric fingers and flashed blue light as he stood on the frozen lake.

A resident of Wisconsin, USA, suddenly spotted electric fingers and flashed blue light as he stood on the frozen lake.

According to Science Alert, Rudy Moore returned to the strange incident that happened to him in Lake Monona, Wisconsin on January 30 and posted the video on Rumble. Later, Moore returned to the lake in the hope that the strange phenomenon would continue but failed. The current caused Moore's hand to glow in the dark, not by ice, but as a result of the weather phenomenon named Saint Elmo's Flame.

Picture 1 of Video: Strange phenomenon makes fingers glow

This phenomenon occurs when the air is unusually charged.

This phenomenon occurs when the air is unusually charged, mainly due to a storm in the vicinity. In some cases, the atoms in the air are strongly ionized so that the electron oscillates between the ground and the air to maintain equilibrium, forming a glowing plasma stream.

In Moore's case, the nearby blizzard caused the air around Moore to become electrically charged. The difference in charge in their bodies gives rise to the phenomenon of Saint Elmo's Flame.

Update 15 December 2018



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