Video: Very rare rod bugs are only found in Peru

In nature, Peruphasma schultei rod bugs only live in a high mountainous area less than 0.05 km2 in northern Peru.

Peruphasma schultei rod is a particularly rare insect. In nature, they are found only in a mountainous area less than 0.05 km 2 in northern Peru.

Picture 1 of Video: Very rare rod bugs are only found in Peru

Peruphasma schultei rod.

Peruphasma schultei rod was first discovered in 2005. They are about 3.8 - 5.5 cm long (females are larger than males) and are herbivores, they are active at night. The dark black body makes them difficult to detect in the dark.

When attacked, Peruphasma schultei rod beetles can spray self-defense liquid in a line behind the head. This liquid can burn skin and eyes when exposed.

The too small natural habitat is threatening the future of Peruphasma schultei.

Update 15 December 2018



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