What flavor does the dinosaur meat taste good or not?

In films, dinosaurs are portrayed as giant carnivores with scary sharp teeth. They easily feed their prey with just one bite.

65 million years ago, most of the dinosaurs were extinct in the event of a giant asteroid crashing into Earth, so humans had no chance of direct contact with this animal.

In films, dinosaurs are portrayed as giant carnivores with scary sharp teeth. They easily feed their prey with just one bite.

Picture 1 of What flavor does the dinosaur meat taste good or not?

Titanosaurus has the best flavored meat.

But suppose if dinosaurs still exist, then surely they will be put on the tray by humans. At that time, it is very likely that people will have a dinosaur farm for meat and will think of countless unique types of processing with this special type of meat. It is possible that in restaurants there will be a dish of fried dinosaur wings, ribs T-rex grilled or fried chilli meat . So, guess what, how does dinosaur meat taste, yes? Is it delicous?

Based on fossils and living things today, researchers have had some clues to guess the taste of dinosaurs. Each dinosaur species has different diet and digestive functions so each species will have different meat flavors.

tyrants are giant muscular predators, so they need more oxygen stored in myoglobin to ensure endurance when chasing prey. Therefore, the meat of this tyrant dinosaur is usually red and tastes like ostrich meat.

Small, dinosaurs that move fast or fly will have white flesh. Specifically, the transitional limb between the stomach and the bird will taste like chicken.

The largest species - Titanosaurus has the best flavored meat , it is no different from the finest beef.

Update 17 December 2018



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