What happens if humans and dinosaurs coexist?

If the dinosaurs once dominated the Earth without extinction but still exist today, then everything would be different.

If the dinosaurs once dominated the Earth without extinction but still exist today, then everything would be different.

What will happen if dinosaurs are not extinct?

In the newly released Jurassic World, humans have been able to reincarnate dinosaurs and animals that once dominated the Earth . And we also see how dinosaurs can scare people.

Humans are the species that dominates the Earth, although the size of the human race is not the biggest, nor is the most dangerous predator , but humans have tremendous intelligence. So that we can subdue even the most ferocious predators such as tigers, leopards or lions.

Picture 1 of What happens if humans and dinosaurs coexist?

What happens if humans and dinosaurs coexist?

However, if the dinosaurs that once dominated the Earth did not become extinct but still exist today, it could be different. The dinosaurs were once extinct due to the collision between meteorites and Earth about 65 million years ago. And after the dinosaurs were eradicated, many other animals had the opportunity to grow.

So if dinosaurs have never been extinct, what will happen?

Although it is difficult to accurately answer this question. However, scientists also put forward some possible hypotheses for the prospect of Earth flooding these large animals.

Food sources may be exhausted

Dinosaurs are big animals, so they also need a huge amount of food every day. Luckily for carnivorous dinosaurs, they have a plentiful source of food that are herbivorous dinosaurs.

However, for herbivores, their future is not very good. Herbivorous dinosaurs are the largest animal on the ground, a Dreadnoughtus dinosaur that can weigh up to 65 tons. The popular herbivorous dinosaur, Diplodocus, can weigh more than 20 tons.

Picture 2 of What happens if humans and dinosaurs coexist?

Giant herbivorous dinosaurs consume a large amount of plants every day.

According to scientists' calculations, a Diplodocus can consume about 1 ton of plants every day. It is a very large number, not to mention other animals. In addition to changing natural conditions can lead to depletion of plants on Earth.

And when plants no longer exist, it means that no other species can exist on Earth.

Mammals don't have a chance to grow

In the period of dinosaurs still dominated Earth, mammals still live in small burrows. As a result, these species are not much affected when meteors collide with the Earth. When dinosaurs become extinct, new mammals have a chance to go out and grow.

Picture 3 of What happens if humans and dinosaurs coexist?

Carnivorous dinosaurs threaten the growth of mammals.

If things are not so, dinosaurs still exist, mammals will still only live in caves. It will be like rodents today.

Maybe mammals will survive and grow in tandem with dinosaurs. But they will be at the edge of evolution, which means it cannot grow strongly. These animals will not be able to function comfortably, due to the threat of large carnivorous dinosaurs.

If possible, coexist with humanity

Prehistoric humans used to live with large animals like mammoths , even humans hunted them for meat and many other spoils. Therefore, if humans can coexist with dinosaurs, it will be a battle of strength.

Picture 4 of What happens if humans and dinosaurs coexist?

By using weapons, humans can fight large-sized carnivorous dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs are large in size and hunting instincts, but humans have intelligence, ingenuity and especially inventions like fire, names, spears and traps. Therefore, there is still the possibility that humans and dinosaurs coexist on Earth.

And if it can grow as it is today, there's definitely no chance for dinosaurs to survive before humans. Humans are the only animals that know how to use tools well, especially weapons.

However, dinosaurs will still be extinct

If the meteorite crash does not kill the dinosaurs, then one reason will also cause this large animal to become extinct. It is according to Darwin's evolutionary theory , adaptive animals can exist.

Dinosaurs are very difficult to adapt to the environment , because their size is too large, they cannot fly or swim underwater or hide in caves. Any changes to the environment directly affect this animal.

Picture 5 of What happens if humans and dinosaurs coexist?

Big and aggressive, but these animals cannot avoid extinction.

Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, ice ages, all these natural phenomena can cause dinosaurs to become extinct. For that reason, to survive some dinosaurs have to change in smaller sizes, have the ability to fly and closely resemble today's birds.

The only ability is the underwater dinosaurs, the least affected by these disasters. Until now scientists have not been able to explain why underwater dinosaurs are also extinct.


Thus, for some reason dinosaurs will still become extinct or smaller in size to survive. Therefore, people will still dominate the Earth with their intelligence.

And if dinosaurs still exist today, they are just a normal animal like many other animals. Unless dinosaurs have special intelligence like in the Jurassic World movie, it can become a threat to humans.

Update 18 December 2018



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