What is hypocalcaemia?

Calcium not only plays an important role in bone development but also maintains the activity of muscles, stimulates blood circulation, signals the nerve cells and regulates hormones in the body.

Sometimes blood calcium levels can be abnormally low. Hypocalcaemia occurs when blood calcium levels in the body are deficient.

Lowering blood calcium is dangerous?

Picture 1 of What is hypocalcaemia?

Hypocalcaemia occurs when blood calcium levels in the body are deficient.

As analyzed above, calcium is an essential mineral for human life. They also participate in the process of muscle contraction, especially the heart muscle, smooth muscles in the lungs of the lungs, so when facing hypocalcaemia, patients will have signs of muscle spasms:

  • Patients suddenly see numb head, tongue.
  • Breathing quickly, stimulating panic, cramping the calves.
  • Spasticity does not actively control the extremities causing the hand to twitch, each can last from a few minutes to hours.

In many cases, when faced with hypocalcemia, patients may panic, stimulate rapid breathing . thus making the condition worse.

In addition, the smooth muscles can also be constricted causing abdominal pain, vomiting and the most dangerous is the gluteal spasm causing patients with respiratory failure and arrhythmia if blood calcium levels are too low, can be life-threatening if not given immediate medical attention.

To prevent hypocalcemia, you should add these 5 familiar foods to your daily meals

In life, every adult needs about 1,000mg of calcium per day, women over 50 should consume about 1,200mg of calcium daily, for children aged 4-18, this figure should be 1,300mg. We can prevent hypocalcaemia by supplementing calcium through our daily diet.

Referring to calcium, most people will immediately think of milk. However, in addition to milk, there are many foods that also contain extremely abundant calcium, which are:

  • Tofu : According to the Vietnam Institute of Applied Nutrition in each half a bowl of tofu contains 113.4gr providing 434mg of calcium. Not only that, tofu is also a source of vegetarian protein that many people choose to consume.
  • Almonds : According to Healthline, almonds have the highest calcium content of all nuts. Every 28g of almonds provides 8% of the calcium needed for a day.
  • Sardines : In 106gr sardines provide 351mg of calcium. In addition, sardines are an excellent source of vitamin B12, which is an important nutrient for brain and nervous system health.
  • Kale : A bowl containing 225g of chopped kale provides 101mg of calcium. The Vietnam Institute of Applied Nutrition also points out that this super food contains very few calories (30 calories per serving), and also provides a lot of vitamin C, vitamin A and calcium.

Picture 2 of What is hypocalcaemia?

Broccoli is one of the good foods for people with hypocalcaemia.

  • Broccoli : Every 150 grams of broccoli provides 100mg of calcium. In addition, a serving of broccoli provides more than half of the vitamin C you need each day so it's great for boosting immunity.

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Update 02 June 2020



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