What is the most effective way to prevent dengue?

Dengue outbreaks are booming strongly in the whole country, especially Hanoi and some southern provinces.

Dengue outbreaks are booming strongly in the whole country, especially Hanoi and some southern provinces. According to the Ministry of Health, Hanoi last week recorded nearly 1,200 cases of dengue fever, there were deaths because the disease progressed so quickly.

Facing this alarming situation, yesterday afternoon (24/7), the Ministry of Health held an emergency meeting to warn everyone in the country about the dangers of this epidemic.

Picture 1 of What is the most effective way to prevent dengue?

The Ministry of Health held an emergency meeting on the disease outbreak.(Photo: Internet).

The dengue fever is not simple, it is quite dangerous but many people are still not aware of its harmful effects, leading to dangerous life consequences for themselves and their loved ones.

To prevent an outbreak of disease, each individual needs to act to protect his own health and loved ones.

Kill mosquitoes

You can completely kill mosquitoes in your home. It is also the best way to prevent mosquito breeding, larvae and prevent burning.

You can use mosquito sprays to buy outside. However, it will have chemicals and you should wear a mask, move people out of the house, cover new bedding. After finishing spraying, you should also refuge for a while then start living in the room.

Picture 2 of What is the most effective way to prevent dengue?

Actively spray mosquitoes in your environment.(Photo: Internet).

If you don't want to use mosquito repellent, you can make an environmentally friendly spray with garlic cloves. Just boil about 6-7 light garlic and smash it with 250ml of water. Use this mixture to spray on places where mosquitoes often hide.

Always use curtains to sleep

Get stuck at any time, including noon. This is useful for homes with young children.

In addition, you also need to wear long clothes so that mosquitoes no longer have the opportunity to come in contact with the skin to suck on the blood that spreads the disease.

Keep the house clean

Nothing can stop mosquitoes effectively by eliminating their growing environment. Clean the house clean to avoid mosquito breeding and development.

Remember, wet environments are ideal conditions for mosquitoes to live. Therefore, always keep all utensils containing drinking water such as tanks, jars, jars, water containers.

Supplement food to increase resistance

Picture 3 of What is the most effective way to prevent dengue?

Increase your intake of vitamin C-rich foods to prevent disease.(Photo: Internet).

Proper diet will enhance immunity to any disease and so will dengue.

You should increase vitamin C for the whole family because it can stimulate the proliferation of white blood cells against infectious diseases. Vitamin C is found in berries such as lemon, orange, grapefruit and some vegetables such as broccoli, white radish, cabbage, kale, bell peppers .

Not only vitamin C but also need to supplement immune system enhancers such as zinc in beef, beneficial bacteria in yogurt or vitamins and minerals in nuts.

Update 15 December 2018



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