What will artificial intelligence bring in 2018?

If 2017 shows that the AI ​​received mainstream attention, 2018 is definitely a year of solidifying this technology.

If 2017 shows that the AI ​​received mainstream attention, 2018 is definitely a year of solidifying this technology.

Personalize pricing

Online shopping is often seen as difficult when items placed in the cart often face fluctuations in selling prices. Online stores as well as supply partners are learning how to ensure not only the competition for items in the seasons (shopping on the year-end holiday) but also the fish. personality and specific shopping behavior.

Picture 1 of What will artificial intelligence bring in 2018?

will be upgraded this year after being heavily invested last year.

Knowing the target shopper at a specific price, e-commerce business owners can set the minimum and maximum price point parameters better, while the AI ​​will automate the rest. Price and discount price will no longer be a business goal. Instead, they will target the right audience at the right time at a reasonable price. Not only is the price personalized for each shopper but also determines the level of profit that each retailer wants to achieve.

In general, AI can allow e-commerce professionals to analyze large amounts of consumer data to provide personalized incentives for each visitor to their site. Based on the behavioral science, they can create unique shopping recommendations based on retailer's shopping habits, personal preferences and KPIs.

Collect channel data and possible insights

As the AI ​​grows, the ability to collect and use data from multiple consumer channels continues to improve. Data from shopping and digital experiences can be collected and analyzed, thereby providing a direct understanding of consumers' habits, preferences and purchase intentions.

First, AI will help measure the customer's online itinerary before optimizing sales. This includes strategies and technologies used by e-commerce companies to analyze business data. AI can provide past, present and future forecasts about business operations such as page access, clicks and time on the web.

Picture 2 of What will artificial intelligence bring in 2018?

Collection of data for AI will be done more this year.

Next is strong consumer interaction and strong customer service. This is the opportunity of the company to talk directly with customers to find out what they want, what challenges are and what solutions will be most effective. This data will be analyzed by the AI ​​and provide solutions to help businesses be more proactive.

AI can also immediately attract consumer comments and frequently asked questions through chatbot and virtual assistant platform. Not only that chatbot is supported by AI can operate 24/7, allowing e-commerce sites to respond to customer requests at any time.

Open high-end chatbot service

Most shoppers who use chatbot of the site know that there are many opportunities for this digital customer service to improve, and this will happen this year.

Once completed, chatbot is easy to handle and inexpensive to maintain. By automatically measuring and analyzing data, chatbot technology uses predictive analytics tools and survey tools to learn more about certain business objects.

The key to improving chatbot in 2018 is to combine natural language processing (NLP) capabilities in technology to help serve customers better.

Picture 3 of What will artificial intelligence bring in 2018?

Chatbot will be part of promoting e-commerce activities.

Director of Facebook Messenger, Mr. Kemal El Moujahid, said chatbot will be personalized in the future, whether chatbot or people, the most important thing is still the ability to manage.

The voice interface will replace click point analysis

Point and click analysis is the traditional method that most e-commerce experts have explained about web access. Customer preferences, how to track websites and click rates will provide more useful data points.

These figures will not disappear this year, but instead are enhanced by conversation analysis, such as clicks, chatbot chat, or AI analysis for direct access to the focus of people's needs. consumption.

In 2018, these figures will not disappear, but they will be enhanced by conversation analysis. More personal than clicks, chatbot chat empowers AI analysis to get directly to the center of consumer needs.

Update 14 December 2018



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