When do I need vitamin supplements?

Vitamins are a group of essential organic substances that do not produce energy but cannot be synthesized by the body. The body's vitamin needs are very small, ranging from a few hundred micrograms to several tens of milligrams per day. Although less so, vitamins are essential for human life.

Vitamins are a group of essential organic substances that do not produce energy but cannot be synthesized by the body. The body's vitamin needs are very small, ranging from a few hundred micrograms to several tens of milligrams per day. Although less so, vitamins are essential for human life.

Most vitamins act as an activating complex of enzymes involved in many reactions in the body.

Picture 1 of When do I need vitamin supplements?
In order to provide adequate nutrition for children, it is necessary to provide complementary foods for children at 6 months of age. (Photo: TTO) Some such as vitamin E, beta-carotene are essential for life, lack of them will affect the oxidation process, reduce resistance, the body will be susceptible to inflammation and allergies.

Many vitamins have more complex effects, especially if they are involved in making hormones (vitamin A, vitamin D .).

In addition to participating in many functions, vitamins are indispensable for the following conditions:

- Conception and development of the fetus: lack of them can cause infertility and fetal distortion.

- Growth and bone mineralization: lack of them leads to posture and bone deformity problems.

- The process of energy production: lack of vitamins causes anemia, slow healing, changes in skin and hair and nails.

- Effects on the immune system: if vitamin deficiency is prone to infection.

- Synthesis of intermediate transporters of the nervous system: lack of vitamins will reduce the concentration of memory while at the same time, less resistant to stress.

- The process of elimination and neutralization of toxins: lack of vitamins will increase the sensitivity to toxins, increase the aging process, contribute to the emergence of cardiovascular disease, cancer .

Vitamins are divided into two groups:

Water-soluble vitamins: most B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12 .), vitamin PP and vitamin C are water-soluble vitamins. Vitamins in this group do not accumulate in the body, if leftover food will be excreted in the urine.

Oil-soluble vitamins: including vitamins A, D, E, K. These vitamins have many important functions in the body, but when used in high doses, they will accumulate in fatty tissue and liver cells, causing poisoning.

When are people at risk of vitamin deficiency?

Nutritionists have long argued that a healthy person with a nutritious, balanced and ever-changing diet will not be deficient in vitamins. Cases of severe vitamin deficiency are rare and are only a small part of the population.

Some cases are at high risk of vitamin deficiency

Often newborns with preterm birth or lack of vitamins A, D, E, and K (because these vitamins dissolve in oil, it is difficult to cross the placenta). Elderly people with poor absorption, are prone to lack of vitamins B9 and B12, leading to memory loss and confusion. People addicted to cigarettes and alcohol; People who are undergoing chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or people with chronic diseases (diabetes, kidney failure, AIDS .) often suffer from vitamin deficiency.

Lack of vitamins due to insufficient supply through food.

Refined foods (white bread, refined flour, skim milk .) lose many vitamins.

  • Canned food: due to irradiation treatment to disinfect part of the vitamin.
  • Improper preparation and processing of food: soaking in water for a long time, cooking too much water makes the vitamin lose a lot.
  • A fiber-free diet (applied to patients with colitis) often causes a deficiency of vitamin B9 and vitamin C.
  • Vegetarian diet: Food without animal products causes vitamin B12 and vitamin D deficiency.
  • Slimming diet reduces the amount of mineral salts and vitamins taken from food.
  • Vitamin deficiency is caused by the absorption and assimilation of vitamins.
  • Chronic bowel diseases reduce or not absorb some vitamins.

Due to antagonism by some drugs : Some drugs used for a long time can lead to a lack of vitamins such as corticosteroids, anti-acidic drugs, antibiotics, psychotropic drugs, anti-cancer drugs .

Vitamin deficiency due to increased body needs .

Under certain conditions, the need for vitamins increases, the body is at risk of being deficient without additional supplies. These cases are: pregnant women, nursing mothers, sports athletes, stress, harsh climate, alcoholism, environmental pollution .

The daily diet is the main source of vitamins for the body. When the body lacks or excess vitamins are harmful to health, for example, when lack of vitamin PP causes Pellagra disease to impair memory, tinnitus, poor sleep, mouth ulcers, dry skin, digestive disorders . but when excess increases the ability of clotting blood clots, arterial spasms, hypertension .

When vitamin C deficiency causes the synthesis of collagen is defective , causing slow wound healing, broken capillaries, teeth and bones are not good, but when excess vitamin C causes acidosis, increases the risk of kidney stones.

Lack of vitamin B1 with Beriberi disease with signs of neurological damage, excess of vitamin B1 causing allergy and shock. Vitamin A deficiency causes immunodeficiency, an increased incidence of infections, especially respiratory and digestive infections; causing eye damage (dry eye disease) if severe can lead to blindness, excess vitamin A causing headache, fatigue, nausea, hair loss, dry skin, menstrual disorders .

Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets in young children and contributes to osteomalacia in adults , but when overdose increases blood calcium can lead to calcification of body tissues including heart tissue, lungs, kidneys and joint pain, convulsions, kidney stones .

Thus, a diversified and reasonably balanced diet can provide enough vitamins for the body. Vitamins are of better quality when it comes from natural foods. It is not necessary to regularly take vitamins orally or by injection. However, in the necessary cases, it is necessary to have the instruction of physicians to supplement vitamins according to each type of disease, age . to ensure efficiency and safety.

Update 14 December 2018



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