Why are cockroaches tolerant to radiation but destroyed by insecticides?

Contrary to popular belief, cockroaches cannot survive in a nuclear explosion. The truth is that this animal is more resistant to some ionizing radiation than humans.

How can insecticides kill cockroaches when this animal has very intense vitality and can withstand some types of radiation?

Contrary to popular belief, cockroaches cannot survive in a nuclear explosion. The truth is that this animal is more resistant to some ionizing radiation than humans. However, they cannot survive after being sprayed with insecticides, because they include some neurotoxic substances - chemicals that cause nervous system disorders and then death.

Picture 1 of Why are cockroaches tolerant to radiation but destroyed by insecticides?

Cockroaches are more tolerant of some ionizing radiation than humans.

Cockroaches are a "great" creature . Of course, some people don't have the same idea because they feel scared and disgusted with this animal. But if you look at what the cockroach does, you will probably agree with this view.

According to Scienceabc, a cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes, so it can survive when submerged in water. It can live without water for several days and does not need food for several months, even surviving for a few weeks after losing its head.

Although it is impossible to survive a nuclear explosion, no one denies cockroaches as one of the most vigorous types of life on the planet. So how can insecticides such as Raid, Hit . kill these cockroaches quickly?

Before talking about this, let's recheck the most common beliefs regarding cockroaches.

Can cockroaches survive in a nuclear explosion?

Picture 2 of Why are cockroaches tolerant to radiation but destroyed by insecticides?

Cockroaches are one of the most vigorous types of life on the planet.

No, cockroaches can't survive a nuclear explosion. Energy and heat generated from nuclear explosions are simply too much for any creature to tolerate and cockroaches are no exception.

The cockroach may not be able to survive a complete nuclear explosion but they can withstand ionizing radiation longer than we can do.

This is due to how radiation damages everything. Humans and other organisms are most vulnerable to DNA damage (due to radiation poisoning) when our cells divide. Because cells throughout our bodies are dividing at any time throughout life, we are at risk of radiation poisoning all the time.

Theoretically, there are differences in cockroaches. Their cells divide only when they are molting. This only happens in cockroaches every few weeks, so they are at a much lower risk of radiation than humans.

If cockroaches can withstand harmful radiation, why can't we tolerate spraying?

Cockroaches can handle more radioactive substances than humans, but they cannot exist even when spraying a small amount of medicine because radioactive poisoning and chemical poisoning are two very different things , attacking the object according to Significant differences.

Although the components of insecticide sprays may be different, most of them contain pyrethroids - fast-acting organic compounds in most insecticides and insects.

Pyrethroids contain aconic toxins, which means that if used for cockroaches, it will paralyze them by inhibiting brain functions leading to death.

Picture 3 of Why are cockroaches tolerant to radiation but destroyed by insecticides?

A very small dose of pyrethroids can kill cockroaches but not enough to cause harm to humans.

Another reason pyrethroids become a popular option for spraying is that a very small dose of pyrethroids can kill cockroaches but not enough to cause harm to humans (meaning their concentrations are low in sprays). However, they can harm sensitive individuals or aquatic organisms (such as fish) if applied directly to water, as they dissolve very poorly.

Some commonly used forms of pyrethroids include allethrin, tetramethrin, resmethrin, cyfluthrin, permethrin and esfenvalerate. They are also called "first generation pyrethroids" - developed primarily in the 1960s.

In short, cockroaches can survive radiation, but it certainly cannot survive the nuclear explosion and is easily destroyed by insecticides.

Update 17 December 2018



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