Why are polyunsaturated fats good for mental health?

A team in France has found that consuming polyunsaturated fats, such as omega-3s in the diet, will affect the brain well , because this type of fat helps neurons to be easier. protein receptor reaction, a process called endocytosis .

Researchers at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Research (Nice Sophia Antipolis University), Cellular Research Unit, INSERM and Poitiers University are excited to know that omega-3s are good for health, And they want to understand more about this process at the molecular level.

Picture 1 of Why are polyunsaturated fats good for mental health?

Entering cells plays an important role in helping cells to function well because this process allows formation of cell membranes and the generation of molecular transport activities.

With neurons, the cell membrane will form pockets for synapses (synapsis), which help transmit nerve signals during cognition and perception.

Both the natural cell membrane and the artificial cell membrane are easy to react to two proteins, dynamin and endophilin. These two proteins can be activated with polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3s.

The research team concluded that the abundance of these proteins will greatly support cognitive function. Therefore, to increase the amount of polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3s, we should eat fatty fish such as salmon, nuts and vegetable oils.