Why are you crying?

Considering the two-storey principle, people will cry when they experience the emotions from extreme tension to relief, liberation.

For many people, crying is a very natural reflex that only humans have. However, the reasons for this natural mechanism are still a mystery.

Although the fact that babies cry is a clear purpose, scientists in many areas are still skeptical about why adults also cry ? Charles Darwin thinks that tears are a common side effect of facial muscle changes. This is also an exception to identify unnecessary details that will be eliminated during evolution.

A modern theory from biochemist William Frey proposed the idea that crying helps eliminate toxins and stress hormones. This is considered a positive effect of crying. However, other researchers have denied his theory, saying that the amount of toxins secreted by tears is too small to make a significant difference.

In scientific terms, crying can be explained by the secretion of fluids containing proteins, enzymes, lipids and other substances from the lacrimal glands, a group of small organs around the eye.

"There are many other animals that have similar processes. However, they do not cry emotionally," said Jay Efran, emeritus professor of psychology at Temple University.

Picture 1 of Why are you crying?
Why do adults cry and still ask questions for many scientists.

" Animals cry when there are strange things around their eyes that make them uncomfortable or to keep their eyes moist. However, it is not emotional tears that are thought to be the result of psychological activities."

Efran used to give a two-tiered principle of laughter. This inspired him to study the mechanism of crying; whether they share the same process.

"Most comedy or joke shows increase your stress - you listen to the funny story and try to figure out where the funny situation is," said the professor. "And when the story is nearing the climax, you will laugh and your tension will go away."

Similarly, according to the two-tier principle of tears, people will cry when something happens that causes anxiety and pain to be pushed to the climax, followed by calm, gentle moments. For example, a child who lost her mother at a grocery store will start looking around, causing anxiety to be pushed up. Suddenly, the boy heard his mother calling from behind. When I looked back, the moment my mother's familiar face made him cry.

Tears of joy can be explained with a two-storey principle. A mother will cry at her daughter's wedding due to piling tensions during the preparation and planning process. In the end, the moment of release from suppressed emotions came when the last girl said "I agree". And the mother began to cry comfortably.

"The mother was relieved because eventually everything went well. Moreover, her duty was that her parents had reached a new state when their daughter was married , " he said.

Crying and laughing are reflexes due to rapid changes in the sympathetic nervous system ; part of the nervous system controls natural actions such as heartbeat and dilated pupils. It develops when the body moves from a "fight or run" state , stimulated by the nervous system, to the resting and restoring state of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Efran's principle can explain why humans cry. However, what is the purpose of tears? Why do we secrete fluid in our eyes when we experience sadness, relief or joy?

Picture 2 of Why are you crying?
Crying is a reaction from a stressful emotional state to a gentle, happy moment.

To find the right answer, scientists analyzed the tears of rats in the lab. In 2005, researchers discovered ESP1 - a pheromone found in male mouse tears that increased the ability to attract mating mice. Another type of pheromone is found only in young mice called ESP22 . This pheromone re-helps protect them from unwanted mating with adult mice.

Based on previous studies, an experiment conducted in 20011 allowed 24 men to smell women's tears and evaluate their attraction. Although these men had never seen the women before and tears had no smell, they felt the faces of the women were not impressed after sniffing their tears.

The amount of testosterone decreases and when scanning their brains on the machine, the researchers do not detect much activity in the area of ​​the brain region involved in sexual feelings.

If ESP22 pheromones help protect young mice from mating with adult mice, human pheromones can help send messages to the opponent that we need help and empathy rather than a place in the bedroom.

"At some point in life, don't help us know that we are very stressed and suppressed - that is the signal we need help with ." Efran said.