Wireless hearing aids adjusted over the phone

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the sale of first hearing aids that users can buy, assemble and use, without the help of experts.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the sale of first hearing aids that users can buy, assemble and use, without the help of experts.

Picture 1 of Wireless hearing aids adjusted over the phone

This device captures sound vibrations through one or more microphones.

Hearing aids called Bose Hearing Aid are for anyone 18 and older who has mild to moderate hearing loss. Wireless Bose hearing aids are called "air" hearing aids. These devices capture sound vibrations through one or more microphones. This signal is then processed, amplified and played back through a headset placed in the ear canal. Patients can adjust hearing aids through an application on their phones. This allows users to choose to install hearing aids themselves.

FDA approval confirms that Bose technologies can be applied to help people with mild to moderate hearing loss control their hearing . This is a great, accessible and excellent solution for millions of people who can benefit from hearing aids. Some state laws may still require hearing aids to be purchased from a licensed dealer. The FDA re-authorizing Act of 2017 requires the agency to write new regulations for over-the-counter hearing aids.

The FDA said it has looked at data from clinical studies of 125 patients, suggesting that the Bose device is comparable to a professional hearing aid.

Update 12 December 2018



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