October is a month of weight gain and it must be 5 months before we can remove excess fat

Instead of making a determination to lose weight on every new year, make a decision right from October. So you won't have to worry about 5 months of weight struggles next year.

According to a recent study by Cornell University, months of holidays will make us gain weight. Not only that, scientists also said, we need at least 5 months later to eliminate all the excess weight gained during holidays.

This study, conducted by researchers at Cornell University (USA), in Finland and France. They looked at the weight data of nearly 3,000 people in the US, Germany and Japan.

Accordingly, the weight of people in the US will begin to increase in October and November, peaking at 10 days after Christmas .

The change is not much, but it is of great significance: On average, a person's weight increases by about 0.6kg during the Christmas-New Year holiday.

Picture 1 of October is a month of weight gain and it must be 5 months before we can remove excess fat
On average, a person's weight increased by about 0.6kg during the Christmas-New Year holiday.

About half of the excess weight will disappear quickly after the holiday season ends, but it takes up to 5 months (ie after Easter) to return to your normal weight.

The same trend also occurs in other countries. People in Germany usually gain the most weight during the New Year and Easter holidays , while the Japanese mainly gain weight on the New Year and Golden Week (late April and early May).

The authors said: "Different countries have different holidays, but holidays all have one thing in common: people eat a lot of their favorite foods ."

Dr. Brian Wansink, co-author of the study, said that collecting data on weight throughout the year will help scientists get more accurate results.

As a result, the researchers have demonstrated: the phenomenon of weight gain during the holiday season is not clear, but true.

"In previous studies, the results were mostly self-reported. This means they can lie or change their behavior because they know they are being followed," Wansink said. .

Picture 2 of October is a month of weight gain and it must be 5 months before we can remove excess fat
The nature of holidays is not at fault, mainly that you have to eat very carefully in those days.

He also told those in the Northern Hemisphere, the weight gain in autumn and winter is definitely due to the combination of good food during the holiday season and low temperatures, meaning that people have less activity. more outdoors.

The advice that Wansink offers is: "Instead of making a commitment to lose weight on every new year, make a decision right from October. So you won't have to worry about 5 months of struggling with weight." in the next year".

This doesn't mean you can't celebrate holidays with your favorite dishes."The nature of holidays is not at fault, mainly that you have to eat very carefully during those days - not during the holiday season , " Wansink said.

"You will have a much healthier body if you just eat and drink jubilantly on the day of Thanksgiving, not last for weeks and weeks after that."