Things to keep in mind when eating sweet potatoes in winter help prevent cancer

Everyone knows sweet potatoes are very nutritious, but more specifically, these tubers are at the top of the list of the 20 anti-cancer vegetables and fruits of the Japan National Cancer Research Center.

Sweet potatoes are rich in starches, carotene, potassium, iron and 10 kinds of trace elements, which can protect the integrity of human epithelial cells structure, inhibit viral activity, prevent the production of Nitrosamine production in the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, it can eliminate the toxicity of mercury, cadmium, arsenic and other toxic effects caused by food and the environment, preventing the carcinogenic process of toxic metals.

Sweet potatoes are called experts with the most balanced nutrition.

Picture 1 of Things to keep in mind when eating sweet potatoes in winter help prevent cancer
Sweet potatoes containing DHEA can prevent cancer and prolong life.

At the same time, sweet potatoes containing DHEA can prevent cancer and prolong life. DHEA is an outstanding hormone in the human body and plays an important role in many parts of the body.

Things to pay attention to when eating sweet potatoes

Do not eat raw potatoes

Because if not destroyed by heat, the starch cell membrane of sweet potatoes will be very difficult to digest in the body. At the same time, when boiling the enzymes in the potatoes will decompose, so after eating will not appear flatulence, heartburn, belching, nausea .

Picture 2 of Things to keep in mind when eating sweet potatoes in winter help prevent cancer
Eating sweet potatoes at noon is the best.

Eat sweet potatoes at lunch

The amount of calcium in sweet potatoes needs about 4-5 hours for the body to absorb, while the afternoon sunlight can promote calcium absorption. Therefore, eating sweet potatoes at noon, calcium can be absorbed before dinner, does not affect the absorption of calcium in the food of dinner.

When eating sweet potatoes in the winter

Do not eat when your stomach is empty. If you eat sweet potatoes when you are hungry, you are more likely to experience acid reflux, heartburn by sweet potatoes, which contain a relatively high amount of carbohydrates, has a certain sweetness, which increases your ability to reflux.

Do not eat more than 3 ounces of potatoes per day. In addition, if acid reflux occurs, divide 3 lumps into small meals.

Picture 3 of Things to keep in mind when eating sweet potatoes in winter help prevent cancer
Do not eat sweet potatoes with other sweet foods.

Do not eat sweet potatoes with other sweet foods. Sweet potato itself is a sweet food, if you eat the same sweet food will increase the likelihood of reflux.

Patients with diarrhea and diabetes should not eat sweet potatoes .

Mistakes when eating sweet potatoes

Eat too much

Many people consider sweet potatoes to be a good weight-loss dish, so eat regularly, instead of rice. This will lead to a deficiency of protein because there is too much fiber in sweet potatoes, too much fiber consumed during the day will affect the absorption of minerals that cause the body to be deficient in nutrients.

Eat sweet potatoes when hungry

The sugar powder in sweet potatoes when consumed will increase gastric juice in the digestive system. So when you eat a lot of potatoes, you often feel impatient, heartburn, stomach distention during hunger. This makes you feel uncomfortable and despite eating a lot, you always feel hungry.

Picture 4 of Things to keep in mind when eating sweet potatoes in winter help prevent cancer
Eating sweet potato shells is not good for digestive system, especially lumpy, black-spotted potatoes .

Eat sweet potato peels

Many people believe, sweet potatoes eat the shell many times better than when peeled but in fact they are not. Eating sweet potato peels is not good for the digestive system, especially the lumpy, black-spotted potatoes, with notes like being stung by bees. These notes when ingested may cause poisoning.

Eat in the evening

Sweet potatoes at night will make you feel bloated, bloated, uncomfortable. This is one of the bad foods for a stomach ache. In the evening, the metabolism is poor because you are less active, sweet potatoes are starch with many substances, especially alkaline, so when you eat, you will not be able to digest during this time.

Sweet potato is an agricultural plant with large tuberous roots, rich in starch, sweet, called sweet potato tuber and it is an important source of root vegetables, used in both its role. vegetables and food. Young leaves and young stems are also used as a vegetable. Sweet potatoes are distantly related to potatoes of South American origin and very distant relatives with yams, which are native to Africa and Asia.