4 bad habits after eating a lot of people suffer

Eat fruit dessert to change the acid environment in the stomach; Drinking water or taking a bath after eating adversely affects your health.

Eat fruit dessert to change the acid environment in the stomach; Drinking water or taking a bath after eating adversely affects your health.

Drink tea

Drinking tea after a meal is not a good idea. Tea water prevents the body from absorbing some nutrients from food like iron. Tea acid also hinders the conversion of protein from food into energy sources for the body.

Picture 1 of 4 bad habits after eating a lot of people suffer

Tea water prevents the body from absorbing some nutrients from food like iron.


Eating well makes your body want to rest. However, the habit of going to bed immediately after a meal makes the stomach digest intermittently, causing discomfort such as bloating, bloating. Gentle walking can help with digesting food.

Eating fruit

Vietnamese people have a habit of dessert with fruits after a meal. However, this habit can interfere with digestion. Fruits contain large quantities of acids, sugars, glucose, fructose, starch. When eating fruit, the stomach must secrete an enzyme for digestion that will be difficult to absorb the main meal.

Bathe after eating

The amount of blood stimulated to the stomach after meals to promote digestion. If you take a bath, this digestive process is stopped when the body becomes relaxed.

Update 15 December 2018



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