5 common mistakes when boiled eggs

Boiled egg sounds very simple but it is not easy to boil a delicious egg.

Boiled egg sounds very simple but it is not easy to boil a delicious egg.

1. Use the wrong size of the pot

Don't try to cram too many eggs in a pot. This not only causes the egg to ripen unevenly, there is also a risk of cracking. Use an appropriate sized pot for the amount of eggs you are cooking. Eggs need to be laid in a single layer and have enough space to move around.

2. Boil with boiling water

If you often boil eggs in a hot pot of water, stop immediately. Boiled eggs should be cooked with cool water. When the water and egg temperatures are equal, they will make delicious eggs and prevent cracking.

Picture 1 of 5 common mistakes when boiled eggs

3. Use new eggs

The egg may become difficult to peel, because you boil when it is too new. So with boiled eggs should use old eggs. The reason is that when the eggs leave for a while, they lose moisture through the tiny holes in the shell and the air bag at the top of the egg is bigger. In addition, the pH of the shell increases when it is left to make it easier to peel off. You should buy eggs one to two weeks before eating, store it in the refrigerator.

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4. Boil eggs for too long

Have you ever peeled boiled eggs and found that the yolk has blue-gray lines? Smells sulfur? Is it white like rubber? This is the result of overcooked boiled eggs. To boil, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water, bring to a boil. Then turn off the stove and put in the pot for 10 minutes for the omelet and 15 minutes if you want to eat it.

5. Do not soak in cold water

In theory, the egg will ripen properly when boiled enough time and take it out. But in fact, even if you picked eggs from hot water, they still have heat and will make the egg ripe too. So, when the boil is finished, put the egg in the water bowl, soak it until it is completely cooled. This also makes it easier to remove eggs.

Update 15 December 2018



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