5 most effective constipation cures in the summer

The following 5 foods will be the "golden key" to address "sitting" in the toilet immediately.

More and more people suffer from constipation, difficulty digesting by many different causes.

Once infected, constipation usually lasts. If not treated promptly, there will be other dangerous diseases such as anorexia, weight loss, hemorrhoids, colitis, colon cancer .

Eating and adjusting your diet correctly is always the most effective way to deal with constipation.

Creating science eating habits not only prevent disease but also cure simple, safe and inexpensive.

Experts say that the following 5 foods and drinks help you quickly "get rid of" stubborn waste out of your body without taking medicine.

1. Pure water

Picture 1 of 5 most effective constipation cures in the summer
Should drink 240ml of water immediately after waking up (Artwork)

The easiest way anyone can do is drink water . Wake up every morning, you can drink water according to ability, this helps to clear the intestine and facilitate defecation.

Drinking plenty of water not only provides enough water for the body, cooling internal organs, but also helps to beautify the skin, laxative, diuretic, eliminate toxins, remove residue accumulated in the body.

If you don't have any special health concerns, you should drink about 240ml of water early in the morning immediately after waking up.

This is the time when the intestinal tract is empty, water can quickly descend into the stomach, stimulate muscles, and push waste out more easily.

2. Turnip

Picture 2 of 5 most effective constipation cures in the summer

Radish with them with carrots, can be eaten raw or cooked. Radish has a vitamin C content 10 times higher than pear, in addition to interferon inducer, which is effective against viruses and prevents cancer.

Carrot, radish is spicy, sweet, cool, has the effect of removing toxins, phlegm, detoxifying when bronchitis, reducing cough effectively.

Radish rich in vitamins, eating a lot has a laxative effect, antibacterial, anti-gallstones, lowering cholesterol, preventing high blood pressure and coronary heart disease.

If you want to lax, clear the colon, you should eat about 0.5kg of radish for each round.

3. Cabbage

Picture 3 of 5 most effective constipation cures in the summer

Cabbage is a popular dish, cold, sweet, has a cooling effect, detoxification should support gastrointestinal function, unpleasant stomach, anorexia, constipation, yellow urine .

Cabbage contains a lot of fiber, vitamins A and B, especially a lot of vitamin C. The amount of cellulose in cabbage can boost bowel movements, help ease digestion and prevent constipation effectively.

If cabbage ensures food safety and hygiene, you should make salads, eat raw to keep the nutrients, have a higher laxative effect.

Every time you feel indigestion, it's hard to go outside, you should eat about 0.5kg of cabbage and drink more water. This way will work quickly.

4. Sitting secrets

Picture 4 of 5 most effective constipation cures in the summer

In 100g squash sitting contains hydrolyzed ingredients up to 94g, is the best cooling dish . Rich in vitamin A, low calorie content, other vitamins and minerals are also abundant.

In addition, sitting squash also contains a high amount of potassium and magnesium; Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and pectin are also quite abundant.
These substances cannot digest enzymes that hydrolyze, but work to promote intestinal motility, which benefits the excretion of excreta.

Pumpkin should be well cooked to make it more optimal. If necessary, cook with porridge and soup to increase laxative effect.

5. Parking price

Picture 5 of 5 most effective constipation cures in the summer

Bean sprouts, sprouts, which are made from green peas, soybeans or other nuts, are popular, nutritious, and good for health.

Price is also high in fiber . In addition, during the germination process, this vegetable also disappears tranexamic acid, thereby liberating more phosphorus, zinc and other minerals, easily absorbed into the body.

In bean sprouts also contains a very high amount of vitamin C, helping to cool, diuretic, laxative .

The fat, carbohydrates, some essential trace elements are very beneficial to the body, eating more can prevent intestinal cancer.

In addition, people who are prone to heat and eating can also improve boils and inflammation in the mouth. Besides, price also works to improve memory.

Note, to retain the most nutritious, you should only cook the ripe price, not to cook too much.