8 signs that you will live long

If you have the following signs, you will live longer than many others. These are things related to longevity that you may not have known.

1. Your mother gave birth to you at a young age

Research by the University of Chicago found that if your mother was born when you were less than 25 years old, you would live longer than those born by older mothers. Because the ovaries of older women are vulnerable, resulting in chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, it can affect the health of the child after birth and growth.

2. You like to drink tea

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According to a study of more than 40,000 people, those who drank at least 5 cups of tea per day had the greatest risk of stroke and death from heart disease. Catechins - the natural ingredient in tea leaves can also prevent protein accumulation, protect brain cells, and maintain brain awareness. Unlike caffeine in coffee, caffeine in tea leaves contains natural protein theanine acid. This substance can prevent the effects of normal caffeine such as increased blood pressure, headache and fatigue .

3. You have a habit of walking for 30 minutes a day

The latest study shows that people who persistently walk for 30 minutes a day have four times the life expectancy of those who walk less than 30 minutes a day. That's because walking is also a form of movement that helps to remove excess fat, enhance the functioning of organs in the body, eliminate toxins in the body well, and reduce the risk of many diseases.

4. You do not drink carbonated beverages

US scientists found that drinking a bottle of coke each day could make the risk of heart disease double. If you really want to drink, replace it with fresh fruit juice. The latest British study results also show that some carbonated beverages can seriously damage human cells.

According to experts, common preservatives in carbonated drinks can destroy some important areas in DNA, seriously threatening body health. The damage caused by carbonated drinks to the body is often related to aging and alcohol abuse, eventually leading to diseases such as cirrhosis and parkinsonism.

5. You often eat colorful food

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The more delicious the dishes are, the more natural they are, the more anti-aging can help the body fight free radicals, slowing down the aging rate. A latest US study shows that purple wine, blueberries and red wine rich in polyphenols, can reduce cardiovascular risk, prevent Alzheimer's disease. American researchers also said that pterostillbene produced by blueberry and grape can not only be used to treat fungal infections but also reduce cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, prevent and treat type 2 diabetes.

6. You rarely eat red meat

According to the American Cancer Research Institute, if loaded with more than 500gr red meat per day, it will increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Every day, more than 100 grams of processed foods (such as bacon or ham) are loaded, the risk of colorectal cancer increases to 42%. The meats during baking, smoking, salting or using preservatives will produce nitrite carcinogens, threatening healthy cells in the body. Therefore, limiting eating red meat is to prevent the risk of many diseases.

7. You have good social and family relationships

The relationship of individuals in your family, good society will be the motivation against stress. Long-term mental stress will reduce the immune system and accelerate cell aging, ultimately shortening the life expectancy from 4 to 8 years. The 'Psychology' study shows that those who have a vibrant personality live healthier than those who are depressed and bored.

8. You are a diligent person

Time to use a vacuum cleaner, cleaning stairs or cleaning windows for more than 1 hour can help an average person consume about 285 calories, while reducing the risk of death to 30%. Moreover, according to many studies, women who regularly do housework significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer.