9 types of food 'enemies'

Currently the concept of "wise eating" is mentioned a lot, which emphasizes the "forbidden zone" of 9 health-threatening food groups.

Nitrate group: Picture 1 of 9 types of food 'enemies' Pre-processed meat should be avoided. (Photo: spf) There are many types of processed meats such as bacon and sausages. This substance has the role of color stabilization and preservation. Normal nitrate is harmless, but it can convert into nitrite and form nitrosamine - a powerful carcinogen in the body. When eating foods containing nitrate, drink a glass of orange juice. Vitamin C in orange juice effectively prevents the formation of nitrosamines in the stomach.


Olestra is a fake fat, widely used in processing non-fat fries or snacks, snacks. People often think that fat-free fats will be safe, but in fact Olestra controls fat-soluble vitamins such as A, E, D and K and carotenoids (the group of substances that help boost the immune system and prevent cancer). Remove them from the body. Olestra can also cause digestive disorders in some people, especially when overeating.

Artificial fat: also known as Hydrogenate fat, used in many types of crackers (cookies) and baked products .

Alcohol: The harmful effects of alcohol are greater than all other groups combined. Of course it is possible to drink alcohol in moderation, but it is best to avoid it.

The oyster is alive

Picture 2 of 9 types of food 'enemies' Oysters can be poisonous. (Photo: spf)

Live oysters can carry toxic bacteria, causing illness or death. So far, no government or organization can test the safety of seafood or ensure their quality. The oyster is actually a nutritious dish, but if you want to eat, you must cook it thoroughly.

Animal fat is no: fat meat, especially beef and pork, or poultry skin. It is also found in whole milk products such as cheese, milk and cream. Although fat meat and dairy products have some nutritional value, they can also be found in other healthy foods.

Soda: is the least safe drink in everyday drinks. They are full of sugar and artificial sweeteners, not including caffeine, artificial colors and flavorings.

Canned low acid foods

Self-canning some low-acid foods such as green beans, carrots and very toxic garden vegetables, because the canning process often does not have the necessary temperature and pressure to kill food-causing spores. .

Fast food, snack, fried potatoes

Even if the manufacturer claims they are made with vegetable oil, it is still advisable to limit eating. Many types of vegetable oils through industrial processing can lead to some chronic diseases. For snacks, choose high-fiber fruits and cereals.

My Linh (according to MSN)