A mysterious fireball blazing in the night in the United States, visible from Canada

A mysterious fireball lit the eastern sky of the United States, burning so bright it could be seen from Canada.

A mysterious fireball lit the eastern sky of the United States, burning so bright it could be seen from Canada.

The stunning video shows an amazingly glowing fireball in the sky over Tennessee, USA. This unexplained phenomenon is so bright that it can be seen from as far as Canada.

Picture 1 of A mysterious fireball blazing in the night in the United States, visible from Canada

Some people describe it as green.

The American Meteorological Association has received at least 120 reports from 12 states across the US and some from Ontario in Canada about an extremely bright object in the sky.

According to RT, although many people have observed this phenomenon, so far only one video of the fireball appeared on Twitter of the American Meteorological Association.

Some describe it as green - which is understandable - because most meteorites are nickel-iron and when their outer layers are evaporated by the earth's atmosphere, they glow a blue color. brilliant green.

Most reports say there is no separation and no glow at the end of the fireball, supplementing the speculation that it could be a meteorite.


Update 14 June 2020



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