Amazingly the ground suddenly cracked in Mexico

People in a remote, remote countryside of northern Mexico have just witnessed a strange event: The ground suddenly broke into a deep pit.

People in a remote, remote countryside of northern Mexico have just witnessed a strange event: The ground suddenly broke into a deep pit.

Picture 1 of Amazingly the ground suddenly cracked in Mexico

Close up of giant fracture in Mexico.

Picture 2 of Amazingly the ground suddenly cracked in Mexico

The image of a crack in the clip is recorded by an unmanned device.

The giant cracking stretches to nearly 1km, 5m wide appears last weekend. It cuts across Highway 26 between Hermosillo and the coast of North Mexico. The crack broke into a hole about 8m deep, making the roadgoers extremely surprised and worried.

Local officials predict a possible earthquake in the San Andreas Fault Earth is the cause of the phenomenon.San Andreas Fault is a continental transition fault , about 1,300km long, cut through California, USA. This is a flat slip fault, and also a tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate.

However, geologists at Sonora University said that the soil and rock collapsed right on an underground stream and it formed a fracture.

Update 16 December 2018



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