Answer these 3 questions correctly, you will be genius or schizophrenic

The way we answer questions can reveal quite a lot about ourselves. It even shows if you have schizophrenia.

The way we answer questions can reveal quite a lot about ourselves. It even shows if you have schizophrenia.

We recognize and think about things and things around in different ways. So, with straightforward and simple questions, the way we respond can reveal a lot about our psychology.

Questioning is also the way psychologists use to evaluate customers' thinking. Now try, with the 3 questions below, what your answer will be!

1. What is the similarity between a kettle and a coal boat?

Picture 1 of Answer these 3 questions correctly, you will be genius or schizophrenic

2. What is the same race car and tornado?

Picture 2 of Answer these 3 questions correctly, you will be genius or schizophrenic

3. Still the same! What is the same shoe and pencil?

Picture 3 of Answer these 3 questions correctly, you will be genius or schizophrenic

Can you answer? First, take a look at the answer:

  • All steam.
  • That is the circle. Racing cars follow the race, while tornadoes are spinning.
  • They leave traces where they go.

What do you think? Don't think of it right? Don't worry, because this proves that your mind and mind are completely healthy. If you find these questions too easy, or you are a genius, or the possibility that you are experiencing a psychological syndrome, you should consider having a doctor.

Why is there such a conclusion?

In fact, this is the method of psychologists, called "contrary contrast" , to test one's perception. If there is a normal psychology, the respondents are more likely to answer "nothing like" . They are not wrong, because after all these are unrelated things.

People with schizophrenia are different. They will immediately look at things that are abstract and ignore the surface. It doesn't take too long, they will realize what the answer is.

However, geniuses with high " IQ " can also solve these puzzles. The thing to distinguish between genius and spirituality is that geniuses need a period of concentration and logical thinking to give answers. As for people with schizophrenia, they only need a few seconds.

Update 18 December 2018



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