Apple peel helps prevent cancer

According to the report published in Prevention magazine, the US: not only is the apple apples good for health, but the apple peel is also effective in preventing cancer.

According to the report published in Prevention magazine, the US: not only is the apple apples good for health, but the apple peel is also effective in preventing cancer.

Picture 1 of Apple peel helps prevent cancer

According to the research results of US scientists, apple peels are effective at preventing cancer. Because in the apple shell contains a lot of nutrients that are equivalent in composition to substances that can fight breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer. Moreover, these nutrients have the effect of supporting the anti-cancer cells that produce favorable conditions.

Research on Japanese anti-cancer foods also yielded similar results. Japanese scientists have conducted experiments on 1,000 subjects over the age of 70. As a result, people who regularly drink green tea and have a habit of eating apples both have a good memory and are less prone to diseases. letter.

The study also showed that in addition to green tea, apple shells prevent cancer-causing cells, essential oils and lavender scents help the body relax, relieve stress, fatigue; pistachios are effective in reducing blood cholesterol by 11.6% .

However, scientists recommend not eating apples and apple shells of unknown origin to avoid poisoning caused by pesticides, growth drugs . cause. Therefore, before eating apple shells, it is necessary to understand the origin of the product.

Update 14 December 2018



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