Apple shell against cancer

According to Cornell University scientists (US), laboratory studies show that apple shells can block and destroy cancer cells. This finding could open a new way to treat cancer, which is killing millions of people worldwide every year.

In their study, the scientists analyzed the shells of more than 100 kg of red apples and isolated the apple shells into separate groups. After selecting the substances that are thought to be promising, the researchers tried c Picture 1 of Apple shell against cancer cough them into cancer cells being cultured in the lab.

They found that dozens of triterpenoid- containing substances have the ability to block or destroy these cancer cells, including three that have never been recognized by the scientific community. "These substances are capable of fighting breast, liver and colon cancer cells," said Rui Hai Liu, head of the research team.

Previously Cornell University had many studies showing that apples not only work against cancer cells in the laboratory but also reduce the size of breast tumors in mice.

'We believe that if we eat a lot of vegetables and fruits every day, we will significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases, cancer and meet the essential nutrient requirements for muscle. can be healthy, ' Liu said.