Cannot select or format a hard drive partition when trying to install Windows Vista

When trying to install Windows Vista onto your computer, whether you install a new installation or upgrade from old Windows, you still encounter some problems. One of the problems is that it is impossible to select the partition to install, not even to format the partition. So here is the problem

When trying to install Windows Vista onto your computer, whether you install a new installation or upgrade from old Windows, you still encounter some problems. One of the problems is that it is impossible to select the partition to install, not even to format the partition. What is the problem? This article will explain that and there are some basic guidelines for you to solve this problem.

Important : Dynamic drives are only supported for Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, and Ultimate, not supported by Windows Vista Home Basic and Windows Vista Home Premium.

But in special cases, when upgrading Windows XP Media Center Edition computers to Windows Vista Home Premium, some dynamic drives are still controlled and supported.

Error sign

When trying to install Windows Vista, you may receive one of the following signs:

  • The hard drive that you want to install Windows Vista does not appear in the list.
  • You cannot select a hard drive partition that you want to install Windows Vista on.
  • You cannot format one or more partitions.
  • You cannot set the correct size for a partition.
  • You must receive the following error message:

Windows không thể tìm thấy một cơ sở dữ liệu hệ thống cần biết về chế độ để đặt
(Windows cannot find the appropriate system disk set for installation)


One of the following errors is the cause of the problem:

  • Windows Vista is not compatible with storage controllers or secondary storage drives.
  • The storage controller or secondary storage drive is too old.
  • The drive on which you want to install Windows Vista is a dynamic drive.
  • The data cable in the computer is loose or a new hardware device is included.
  • The hard drive or Windows file system is corrupted.
  • You have tried on a FAT32 partition or another type of partition that is incompatible with Windows Vista.


To solve this problem, you can use one of the following ways:

1, Verify that the partition is compatible with Windows Vista

You cannot install Windows Vista on a FAT32 partition. In addition, you must configure dynamic disks that are suitable for Windows Vista use. To verify if the partition is compatible with Windows Vista, follow these steps:

  • For dynamic disks with a single set, use the Diskpart.exe utility to configure the drive as an active drive. For details about the Diskpart.exe utility, you can follow up in the next article of Network Administration.
  • For a FAT32 partition, reformat the partition or convert the partition to NTFS using the Convert.exe command.

    Note : When formatting a partition, all data on that partition will be deleted. For more information about using the Convert.exe command.

2, Update drivers for the drive controller

If you want to install Windows Vista as a complete upgrade, update the drivers for the drive controller with the latest driver version.

Note : Windows Vista Setup provides a feature to switch existing drivers to the latest operating system. Therefore, Windows Vista Setup can use the currently installed drivers on the computer. If the computer does not install the latest driver version, the installation program may use an old driver version. In this case, you may encounter compatibility issues.

3, Provide the correct driver for the drive controller

If you are performing a new reinstallation with Windows Vista, you must provide the correct drivers for the drive controller. When you receive the prompt to select the drive to install Windows Vista, you must select the Load Driver option. Windows Vista Setup will guide the installation process for you.

4, Review the Setupact.log file to verify that the partition is active

If you receive the following error message, verify that the partition is working by considering the Setupact.log file

Windows không thể tìm thấy một cơ sở dữ liệu hệ thống cần biết về chế độ để đặt

Note :

  • If you install Windows Vista as an upgrade, the Setupact.log file is located in Name : $ WINDOWS. ~ BTSourcesPanther folder , Name is the drive where Windows is currently installed.
  • If the new installation is in Windows Vista, the Setupact.log file is located in the Name : $ WINDOWSSourcesPanther folder . Domain name is a DVD drive that contains Windows Vista installation files.

To verify that the partition is working, follow these steps:

  • Click Start, click Run, enter Notepad and click OK (or open the Notepad program on your computer).
  • In the File menu select Open.
  • Locate and open the Setupact.log file according to the corresponding links above.
  • Locate the "DumpDiskInformation" section. This section contains information about partition mapping.
  • In the "DumpDiskInformation" section, locate the log entry with the same content as the following
    Disk [0] phân vùng [1] là một phân vùng hoạt động
  • If this log entry appears with the following content, your hard drive may not be configured to use the Windows-based operating system:
    Không rõ
    In this case, use the Diskpart.exe utility to configure another partition to function.

    Note : This step may prevent starting third-party operating systems.

5, Check for firmware updates and system BIOS updates

For firmware updates and system BIOS, please contact your computer hardware manufacturer.

6, Verify that the system BIOS has recognized the hard drive

For more information on verifying the system BIOS has recognized the hard drive, contact the computer hardware manufacturer

7, Use the Chkdsk.exe utility to check the problem

Run the Chkdsk.exe utility to check for disk problems. Replace the hard drive if it is broken.

8, Use the Diskpart.exe utility to delete the drive and re-run Windows Vista Setup

If you've tried all of the above and are still having problems, use the Diskpart.exe utility to clean up your hard drive and re-run Windows Vista Setup.

Note : Use this method only if you want to install a new Windows Vista. When you delete the hard drive, it will be formatted. The entire partition and data on the hard drive will be completely erased. We recommend that you back up the files on the hard drive before proceeding to delete the drive.

To use the Diskpart.exe utility to delete the drive, follow these steps:

  • Click Start, click Run , enter diskpart and click OK
  • Enter list disk and press Enter. A list of drives in use will be displayed.
  • Enter the sel disk number and press Enter. Number is the number of the hard drive you want to delete. That drive will now be selected.
  • Enter det disk and press Enter. A partition list on the hard drive will be displayed. Use the information to verify that the selected hard drive is correct.
  • Make sure that the hard disk no longer contains the necessary data, enter clean all and press Enter to delete the drive. The entire partition and data on the drive will be completely erased.
  • Enter exit and press Enter
  • Run Windows Vista Setup to reinstall Windows Vista.

Hong Ngan

Update 14 December 2018



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