Christmas in the world

Christmas, also known as Christmas, Christmas or Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus, according to most Christians.

Christmas, also known as Christmas, Christmas or Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus, according to most Christians.

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Many countries around the world view this day as the official holiday with many events and activities organized. Stretching from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere, despite the white snow covered in the United States or the hot winter like Australia, the cities all wore bright faces with thousands of lights and many decorated pine trees. Beautiful and iconic Santa Claus goes everywhere to give gifts to children.

For European or American countries, Christmas is the day when people gather together with their families and relatives, parties last until the new year. As for Asian countries, although Christmas is not an official holiday, it is also considered a public holiday, a cultural event of a bustling community. Especially lovers who choose this day to confess or give gifts to each other show affection.

The record of the largest Christmas tree in the world currently belongs to pine trees floating on Lake Rodrigo de Freitas in the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Every year there are events celebrating Christmas celebrations with spectacular fireworks displays. This year is the 19th consecutive year the event takes place with the theme of 'Christmas Light'.

Discover the cultural differences in the countries of the world during Christmas through Infographic below. I wish you a peaceful and warm Christmas.

Picture 1 of Christmas in the world

Picture 2 of Christmas in the world

Picture 3 of Christmas in the world

Picture 4 of Christmas in the world

Picture 5 of Christmas in the world

It's coming Christmas 2017, you know? Let's see how to decorate the Christmas tree that we guide.

Update 18 December 2018



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