Coffee is good for health, but not everyone can

Science has proven that coffee is a drink that benefits many people's health. However, this is not a drink for everyone.

Science has proven that coffee is a drink that benefits many people's health. However, this is not a drink for everyone.

According to Hanoi Heart Hospital, coffee is a good drink for general health. However, it also brings some of the following unwanted side effects:

  • Early hair graying : This is an indirect effect. We all know that the lack of melanin (melanin) in the body of the hair will cause hair and hair to become silvery. No official study has reported that coffee reduces melanin in the hair but coffee is one of the causes that can lead to insomnia.

Anxiety, stress, insomnia, physical weakness, postpartum women or old age factors trigger a chain reaction that affects melanocyte activity, disturbing the synthesis of melanin that determines color itself course of hair. The reason silver hair is the aging of the body makes melanocytes produce a little bit more and more melanin.

Picture 1 of Coffee is good for health, but not everyone can

Coffee increases the risk of stomach ulcers or makes stomach aches worse.

  • Causes diarrhea.
  • Coffee containing caffeine can cause nerve irritation, causing sleep deprivation for users.

Another issue to note is that not everyone is suitable for using coffee. According to doctors, the following people should limit or not use coffee :

  • People with stomach pain : In some people, exposure to chlorogenic acid found in coffee (especially when the stomach is empty) can lead to irritation of the stomach lining. When gastric mucosa is irritated, feeling of abdominal pain, heartburn, hiccups, nausea and vomiting will occur. Coffee also increases the risk of stomach ulcers or makes stomach aches worse.
  • Pancreatitis (because it can make the disease more serious): If you drink a lot of coffee, the amount of insulin in your blood will increase, lose your body balance and affect the pancreas badly.
  • Osteoarthritis: Consuming a lot of coffee can increase the risk of osteoporosis or brittle bone because it can speed up bone loss.

According to a study published in the Journal of Orthopedic Surgery in 2006, caffeine causes bone-forming cells - cells involved in new bone formation - to work poorly.

So for ordinary people, how many cups of coffee a day is reasonable?

Doctors recommend that you do not drink more than 4 cups of coffee a day (about 400 mg) because it can cause unwanted side effects such as anxiety or irritation.

Picture 2 of Coffee is good for health, but not everyone can

Do not drink coffee when you just wake up and when you are hungry.

Vietnamese people often have a habit of drinking coffee every morning. However, keep in mind that you should not drink coffee when you just wake up and when you are hungry. In coffee beans contains acid components that irritate the stomach and small intestinal mucosa. If you drink coffee while you're hungry, your stomach will increase acidity, cause diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome.

Another note is that people with cardiovascular disease can drink coffee at an acceptable level of about 170 mg per day, because caffeine increases the nervous system's sensitivity, activates the cardiovascular system.

Many people wonder if coffee has weight loss effect? Doctors think that if you want to lose weight, you should only drink black coffee without added sugar or milk because they will increase the calories in your body, making you unable to lose weight.

Safe coffee with pregnant women. However, pregnant women should only drink 1-2 small glasses during the day , if excessive drinking causes insomnia, neurological effects, digestive disorders and may affect the fetus.

In addition, caffeine in coffee also stimulates secretion of gastric juice, so heartburn, reflux and reflux can occur in some people.

  • For every 3 people who drink coffee, there is 1 sad person defecating: Why is that?
  • Things to keep in mind when drinking coffee
Update 07 August 2019



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