Colonel American pilots shot down by artificial intelligence

The artificial control system unexpectedly defeats the experienced combat pilot with years of experience serving in the military.

The artificial control system unexpectedly defeats the experienced combat pilot with years of experience serving in the military.

According to Popular Science, Colonel Gene Lee of the United States Air Force, who has had decades of experience in combat, has been defeated by artificial intelligence (AI) in all simulated air raids.

Colonel Lee is a tactical tactical expert of the US Air Force. He has made thousands of flights as pilots or commanders. In addition to his wartime experience, he has conducted simulated air raids with artificial intelligence systems throughout the decades.

Picture 1 of Colonel American pilots shot down by artificial intelligence

Colonel Lee battled with the ALPHA artificial intelligence system. (Photo:

The ALPHA system , created by Psibernetix's Dr. Nick Ernest of the University of Cincinnati, is affiliated with the US Air Force Research Laboratories. According to the developers, ALPHA is designed specifically for the purpose of researching simulated air combat missions.

Colonel Lee described this as the most aggressive, fastest, most aggressive and trustworthy artificial intelligence system he has ever encountered. ALPHA is not only good at dodging bullets but also shooting down Colonel Lee in every battle.

According to Colonel Lee, this battle is very different. "I was very surprised at the system's ability to recognize and react to it, and it seemed to recognize my intentions and immediately deployed the response." All changes in the route and plans to deploy the missile My attack was hit by it. The system quickly shifted from defense to attack and vice versa when needed, " said Colonel Lee.

The secret of ALPHA's superior fighting skills lies in its state-of-the-art decision-making system incorporating logic algorithms. According to Ernest, the system parses large issues into smaller issues for processing, including attack, fire, dodge or defense. Complex decisions are made at super-fast speeds by considering the most suitable option. As a result, the artificial pilot can calculate the best strategy 250 times faster than the opponent's blink.

After several hours of fighting with ALPHA, Colonel Lee was forced to accept defeat. "Back home, I feel really tired both physically and mentally. Maybe this is artificial intelligence, but it brings real challenge , " said Colonel Lee.

Update 12 December 2018



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