Despite being a vegetarian, you are still making bacteria become resistant to drugs

Looking at the reality of the livestock industry abusing our antibiotics today, we know that it is a major cause of the microbial mutation process and become resistant.

Looking at the reality of the livestock industry abusing our antibiotics today, we know that it is a major cause of the microbial mutation process and become resistant. Each antibiotic-filled farm on their animals becomes a cradle for growing viruses.

Therefore, consumption of livestock products with antibiotics is no different than that you are indirectly contributing to more than 10 million deaths a year after the next few decades. What if I switch to a vegetarian diet now? Can you serenely remove your responsibilities?

The answer is: No ! Even completely vegetarian, you are still responsible for the development of antibiotic-resistant viruses. The problem is that we also use antibiotics in the field of cultivation. Only thing, the level of antibiotics used on vegetable products is much lower than meat.

Unless completely selected organic, vegetarian food still makes you responsible in the process of bacteria developing resistance. It is a threatening issue that brings us to the dark age of medicine, called the "post-antibiotic" , where a small scratch on the skin can also lead to irreparable death. .

Picture 1 of Despite being a vegetarian, you are still making bacteria become resistant to drugs

Fasting, you are still responsible for making bacteria resistant to drugs.

But continue to talk about choosing organic food. Even if you are strictly vegetarian with all antibiotic-clean foods. Even your life never abuses antibiotics even once. Even so, it doesn't make you lie in a circle to protect yourself from the virus.

You can take all the right measures according to the instructions from the health authorities, the resistant bacteria will still be constantly growing. Paying attention to the food we eat is only part of the solution. There are many other things that need to be done.

Even this week, the first emergency meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on antibiotic resistance will take place. Such a meeting was previously only for AIDS and Ebola pandemics. That's enough to prove how today's antibiotic resistance has become a major threat. And the solutions for it will also need a special approach.

The World Health Organization's Assistant Director-General for Health Security, Keiji Fukuda said: "In previous seminars, only health ministers and agricultural ministers attended but this time it will be another, a new level is formed when prime ministers and presidents will be present ",

Keiji Fukuda also said that it would not be possible to solve the problem only with top-down solutions, such as guidelines and even laws of health and government agencies. A bottom-up approach, starting from the people side, cannot be an escape.

"Really, what I think about a solution is at every level, you need everyone to understand that we have a problem," said Keiji Fukuda. From there, people will have a sense and responsibility of their own. What to do to make it a commitment.

Picture 2 of Despite being a vegetarian, you are still making bacteria become resistant to drugs

We have an antibiotic-dependent industrial breeding.

Keiji Fukuda wants us to look back on what the world has done with cigarettes before."You can issue a lot of instructions. You can give a lot of warnings. But if people don't care, they will continue to smoke , " he said.

"However, what we see today is a big change. People have stopped smoking in the house. You can go to any bar in the world and see signs. "It is not a top-down solution. It's a cultural change ."

All governments need to show their huge role in this war but the rules are not enough. The government can completely set limits on the use of antibiotics in agriculture . They can even intervene to solve the doctors' prescription prescriptions.

But without a community change to support these solutions, the government will be alone in the war. They can only finally say that they have done their best, while antibiotic resistance continues to grow stronger.

Picture 3 of Despite being a vegetarian, you are still making bacteria become resistant to drugs

For tobacco, we have created a "no smoking" culture.

The good news is that what we want has begun. Major restaurant chains such as McDonald's or Subway and Perdue have begun phasing out the use of livestock meat with antibiotics.

Like tobacco, we will need a profound change in the consciousness of society. That antibiotic resistance is not an abstract problem and the post-antibiotic period will remain in the distant future.

People need to understand that antibiotic resistance is a very real threat and directly affects our individual's health."It will be very difficult and take a long time for this," Fukuda said. But for the first time the antibiotic resistance issues discussed at the UN General Assembly meeting will be the basis for real changes.

Update 17 December 2018



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